Birthday Biscuit

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The room was quite untidy, but with her current state, that was to be expected. Bismarck hasn't been the best ever since Hood went off again, even worse when she realized that Hood was indeed a Siren...something she hates with all her heart.

But what with just happened, could she say that she loved a Siren...or can she say that she was tricked into it?

Bismarck: Dammit...I'll prove it to them all that you're truthful! You aren't a Siren!

knock knock

Bismarck: Who is it?

?: It's Eugen Bismarck, may I come in?

Bismarck:...Go ahead

The door opened, and Eugen entered to see the mess of a room that Bismarck occupied. She saw many things, from her shoes being thrown everywhere, papers being all over the desk...and Hood's clothing?

Barring that, the place was a mess, something that Bismarck is known to loathe.

Eugen: Bismarck? Do you want me to help you clean the ro-

Bismarck: NO!!

Eugen recoiled from the shout, but Bismarck calmed quickly.

Bismarck: No...I'll handle it myself. Why did you come here Eugen?

Eugen: Well...I came to see if you wanted to go out and enjoy today?

Bismarck: I decline

Eugen: But Tirpitz is going to join us

Bismarck: Still decline

Eugen: Bismarck...


Eugen sighed, going over the bed and ripping the blanket off and away from
Bismarck. While she was temporarily caught off guard from seeing her nude, she steeled herself and grabbed Bismarck's arm.

Bismarck: E-Eugen?! What's the meaning of this?!

Eugen: I'm getting you out of this room, and that's final!

She pulled her off the bed, forcing Bismarck to stand and rip her arm away from Eugen.

Bismarck: Eugen! Can't you just leave me be so I can...

Eugen: Can what?

Bismarck: N-nothing...but can't you just leave me alone?

Eugen: Not today, so get dressed or I'll drag you out naked


Eugen: That's what I thought

She left Bismarck be, closing the door behind her as Bismarck grumbled at her situation. She quickly got dressed in her usual outfit, looking at Hood's capelette and cap that rested on her bedside.


She grabbed the hat, bringing it to her chest as she hugged it tightly.

Bismarck: I'll find you again Hood, then I'll bring you back to me...just as they say, "Till death do us part"...

Tirpitz: Sister! Over here!

She was already outside, having left Hood's belongings behind in her room. She quickly came over to the small group that had gathered. Consisting of her sister, Eugen, Zeppelin, U-556, and Z46.

Bismarck: What are you all doing here?

Tirpitz: It's a good day sister, and we aren't spending it all cooped up inside, so we decided to enjoy it together

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