You May Kiss the Ship

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The Return of Travelers - End of Story

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes...a little, I suppose."

"It's alright to be nervous Miss Bismarck, today is an important day after all."

"Right...thank you Father." She gave her thanks to the Priest, who gave her a smile back as he prepared everything for this pivotal moment in history.

The first ever Kansen marriage.

She looked to the audience, with many familiar faces sat down and looking up to her with a smile, others with cameras, and for two people sitting in the back, tissues to wipe their tears with.

Unsurprisingly, one of them was Scharnhorst, so happy her friends were finally going to get married. The other...

"I-I'm so proud of her!" It was Empress, who was half hugging Scharnhorst as both of them cried tears of joy for their marriage. It was thanks to Scharnhorst that they were comfortable at all with the Sirens being there, as she and Empress immediately hit it off and became quick friends.

All Hood's Sirens friends were in attendance, even Purifier, who was wearing a...modest dress, but it was better than nothing. Even the Queen of the Isles showed up, and despite her original distrust with the Sirens being there, she brushed it off seeing as it was a day for celebration.


Speaking of which...

The harmonious sounds of an Organ filled the church, everyone now sat down, quickly quieting as the doors of the church opened way. In from the bright sunny rays beaming through the door, came the Maid of Honor, Warspite, who is taking the role that a father would in an actual wedding.

Of course, that meant she was walking the Bride.

The music reached it's crescendo, as finally, the woman of the day stepped through the door.

The music reached it's crescendo, as finally, the woman of the day stepped through the door

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'' Bismarck's mouth hung open slightly, almost feeling immodest in her own dress compared to how incredibly fine and well made Hood's was. From head to toe, she was more gorgeous than anyone else she's ever seen...truly a Goddess of beauty.

Her eyes opened once she stepped inside, her bright cerulean eyes making contact with Bismarck's. Hood smiled at her awestruck face, which Bismarck soon mimicked as she started to walk down the aisle.

Her heart raced quicker and quicker as she came closer, soon standing across from her, with her hands locked in her own as the Priest began his sermons. They stared into one another's eyes, nothing but love and happiness able to be seen.

"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you..." She whispered that quietly to Hood, who quietly giggled in response.

"And you're as glorious as the day I came back..."

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