I Want to Play a Game

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Little shorter of a chapter, but I had fun writing this so I don't think that's too bad.

Next chapter things will pick up again, so stick around till then!

The day passed by rather uneventfully after the bar trip, and the five girls all travelled back to their rooms to hang out for the last bits of the night before going to sleep.

That leads us to this...

Hood and Bismarck were sitting in front of the TV all before they heard Wales scream and run into the room. Hood sprung up instantly and grabbed Bismarck as well.

Hood: What's wrong?! Are you hurt Wales?!

Wales: God...no, but Eugen just scared the daylights out of me!

Hood: Huh? She scared you?

Hood looked down the hallways, and she saw a creepy mask staring back at her, obviously being worn by Eugen.

Eugen:*Creepy voice* Hood, I wanna play a game...

Hood: Alright, enough of that Eugen. Wales is terrified of that movie

Eugen: Wait she is?! Oh~, I know what I'm doing for Halloween

Wales: Don't you dare!

Hood snatched the mask off of Eugen, grabbing her hand and leading them both to the living room.

Eugen: By the way, I actually do want to try a game

Bismarck: Oh no...

Eugen: Shut up. The game is simple, we start with a bottle and that chooses who goes first...like so!

She grabbed an empty bottle of beer she drank earlier and spun it in the table, where it landed on herself.

Eugen: Alright, bottle's out now since we don't need it anymore. Now we use a coin and I choose someone to speak to, we choose heads or tails and then...

Wales: Then what?

Eugen:*smiling* We tell a secret we keep from others~


Bismarck: I-I don't think this is wise to play Eugen

Hood: I say we go for it

Bismarck: What?!

Hood: Come on, this could give us laughs and also something stupid to look back on, we should do it

Wales: I...*sigh* I hate when you make a good point

Hood: Alright then, let's start Eugen

Eugen: Good! I choose...Bismarck!

Bismarck: I'll...go heads

Eugen flipped the coin, and they all watched with held breath as it fell to the table, settling and revealing the side.

It was tails

Eugen: Damn! Guess I'm telling something

She leaned back and took a deep breath.

Eugen: Alright Bismarck, remember when you lost your bottle of wine about...four months ago?

Bismarck: Yes, that was my favorite brand

Eugen: Well...I drank the whole thing

Bismarck: Wha-, I thought it was Scharnhorst!

Eugen: Nope, it was me

She passed the coin to Bismarck, who looked at the other two.

Bismarck: Wales

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