Heart to Heart

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Hood was once again resting on Enterprise's carrier, napping to pass the time as they made their way to Pearl Harbor. Her injury was tended to by Vestal, and thanks to her work, it didn't get any worse than it already was.

Silently opening the door, Vestal walked into the room, walking to her desk and grabbing a few tools from it before making her way to Hood's bed.

Vestal:*softly* Hood, it's time to get up

She gently shook her, waking the sleeping woman.

Hood: Mmh...yes?

Vestal: It's time to get up, I need to check your eye again

Hood gently sat up and let Vestal do her thing. She cleaned the wound, as Hood winced from the contact on her eye, before it was wrapped up and finished once again.

Vestal: Done...do you want anything to eat?

Hood: I'll get something, but I'll come with you

Vestal:*worried* Are you sure?

Hood: Yes, I have to get use to this after all

Hood stood up from her bed, stretching her legs and her back before walking right up to Vestal.

Vestal: Alright, do you want to take my hand?

Hood: No, I'll be fine

Vestal just walked out of the room, Hood following behind her. They went through the halls of Enterprise's carrier, and Vestal notes how Hood was doing fine.

Vestal: How are you adjusting to one eye?

Hood: Right now it's not that bad, I know when to turn down a hallway or when to not hit a wall. Writing would be harder and other things worse without depth perception, but I'll manage

Vestal: I hope you do...anyways, we're here

They walked into the mess hall, where rations sat at the end ready to eat.

Vestal:*sigh* I swear that girl...I'll make us something to eat, so sit tight

She left to the kitchen, leaving Hood in the cafeteria.

Hood: Alright, just choose a table and sit dow-


Hood: Dah! Motherf-mmmh...

She sat down on the bench she ran into and grabbed her calf, gently rubbing where she banged it into the bench. Eventually, the pain wore off and she put her foot down.

Hood: Until I get use to one eye...this is gonna happen a lot

She pulled out a small pocket mirror that was in her coat's pocket, aiming to look at her face. She looked completely fine, save for the bandages and what laid underneath them.

Vestal: Alright, it's done!

Vestal came out of the kitchen with two plates, each had scrambled eggs and a muffin.

Hood: Thank you Vestal

Vestal: It's not a problem, anyway, let's dig in!

They ate in silence, while above deck, a large island chain popped into view. Enterprise called in to warn of their arrival.

Hood has finally reached Hawaii, and with that, Pearl Harbor.

Eugen: Bismarck? Are you alright?

The party had passed, and after it ended, Eugen told Bismarck the news about Hood's condition.

Which leads to the current situation the following day.

Eugen: Bismarck, open the door. I know it's horrific, but you don't need to lock yourself away from it!


Eugen sighed, before she turned away from the door and walked off.

Eugen: I need help to get through to her, and I know just who to get

Only a few minutes passed, but Eugen returned to the door with Tirpitz in tow.

Tirpitz: She's locked herself inside?

Eugen: I had to break some terrible news to her, now she's keeping herself cooped up

Tirpitz sighed as she walked up to her sister's door.

Tirpitz: This has happened before if you want to know

Eugen: Really? When did it happen?

Tirpitz: She was swamped with work and kept everyone out, but I know how to fix this problem

Eugen:*sigh* Thank God, I thought we would have to-


Bismarck: AAAHHH!!

Eugen:...Break the door down

Tirpitz did just that. She kicked the door and blew it off it's hinges, scaring the hell out of Bismarck

Bismarck: What is wrong with you?!

Tirpitz: Sister, you know exactly why I just did that

Bismarck: Of course I do, but couldn't you have done it a bit different?!

Tirpitz: You wouldn't open the door! What else am I supposed to do?!

Eugen: Hey! Before this gets worse, just calm down and breathe...alright?

Bismarck and Tirpitz shared a look, deciding to listen in on what she had to say.

Eugen: Thank you. So first, thank you Tirpitz for...opening the door

She nodded

Eugen: But onto more important matters. Bismarck, I get that Hood isn't in the best condition right now, but you don't ne-

Bismarck: Best condition? Her eye is completely destroyed! She's messed up for life Eugen!

Eugen: I know! But there isn't anything I can do about it, and nothing you can either

Bismarck: What kind of talk is this?! Are you trying to make me feel worse about this?!



Eugen: We couldn't predict that she would run on us, we couldn't predict that she would go to the Mediterranean, we didn't know that she was defenseless...do you get what I'm saying now?

Eugen pulled Bismarck into a hug, resting her friend's head on her chest.

Eugen: You're beating yourself up over something that was far beyond your control. Yes she's now lacking an eye, but that's not your fault...so please Bismarck, don't think you're the one to blame for her condition

Bismarck: But...if I didn't catch her that night...then...

Eugen noticed how she started to cry, so she gently rubbed her back and motioned for Tirpitz to join in the hug.

Eugen: You couldn't predict that, and she couldn't either. It's not your fault Bismarck, it's not

Bismarck: I...

Tirpitz: Please sister...just listen to her, we both just want you to be happy

Bismarck kept silent, but she pulled Eugen closer, burying her face further in her friends chest.

Bismarck: T-thank you...thank you, you two...

Tirpitz:*softly* I'm your sister, I'm always here to help you...always

Eugen:*smiles* Same here, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm always here to help you Bismarck

Bismarck:...What have I done to deserve you two?

Eugen: I've answered this before, and I'll say it again. You're our flagship, our leader, and a good leader always has someone to fall back onto

She gently pat Bismarck's head.

Eugen:*smiles* Now, lets go get your girl back Bismarck


Bismarck:*Blushing* WHAT?!

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