Caught White-Gloved

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The trio had sailed for a bit, but eventually returned to the Ironblood base unscathed. The welcome was small yet earnest, as the news of what had happened already reached their ears.

As Hood stepped of the bridge, Z1 ran to her with the big question.

Z1: Kommandantin!

Hood: Is there something you need?

Z1: Did you really pin King George?!

Hood flinched, but she didn't falter.

Hood: How...did you learn of this?

Z1: It's right here!

She held out a paper, on the front it displayed the most important news.


It went on to describe the footage and witness reports of her manhandling on George, especially the fact that her punch was stopped near instantly by her.

She looked up after finishing it, looking into the many inquisitive eyes on the docks.

Hood: Ok, I'll admit, I may have done some training before I came here

Deutschland: What kind of training let's you do that?!

Hood:...You don't want to know


Hood: Anyways, may we pass? I just want to lie down and sleep these past few days away, please

They moved aside and let the trio pass, only barely noticing the nervous glint in their Kommandantin's eyes.

Hood: I can't believe she did this for me...

It was late at night, and Hood decided to visit the memorial for the fallen, as well as the ones who weren't revived.

Hood had paid her respects to them, and was planning on leaving. She did, however, notice the light to the side.

Hood: really do miss me don't you?

She saw the many trinkets that once belonged to her. Her medals, a picture of her ship, and even her old hat was there.

Hood: Just what did she do to get these?

She picked up her hat, dusting it off and just holding it.

Hood: How long has it been since I had this in my hands?

She smiled as she remembered all the things she did back then. Her times sailing with the other British ships, drinking tea as they chatted after a long day of work...

Then she remembered her death

Hood: Bismarck...I don't blame you for were just following orders from that bastard of a führer


She took off her cap and placed it on the side, putting her old hat on her head once more.

Hood: It still fits, even after all this time

She looked into the reflective glass casing of one of the photos, she looked just as she did all those years ago.

Hood: I really don't look different than wonder Bismarck was cautious around me

She took her old hat off and put her officer's cap back on.

Hood: Well, it's nice to know this exists

She turned around and looked at the memorial again, praying for their safe time in Heaven.

Hood: I should be getting back, can't have Bismarck nagging to me


Hood: Wait, someone's here

She turned her head to the side and found someone staring at her, which made her heart drop.

The person was none other than Bismarck herself.

Bismarck:*shocked* Kommandantin...are you really-

Hood took off in a sprint, with Bismarck calling out behind her.

Hood: Shit! I can't believe I was so careless!

She heard the shouts of the battleship behind her, but they were getting quieter as time went.

Hood: Thankfully I'm faster than her, even if she's a fast battleship

She was running to the front gate, where a guard was stationed. He saw her rushing to the gate and opened it for her.

Guard: What's the rush Kommandantin?!

Hood: No time! Just keep Bismarck inside!

The man was confused, but obliged with her request. Hood vanished into the city streets as Bismarck finally made it to the gate.

Bismarck: Where did she run to?!

Guard: I'm sorry Miss Bismarck, but she told me to keep you here

Bismarck: What?! Dammit let me through!

He tried to keep her back, but she wasn't having it and threw him to the side. She ran out of the base, but stopped once she saw the large crowd of people.

She lost Hood

Bismarck: She...she was right here...

There was footsteps behind her, and she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

Eugen: You ok? I heard your screaming from my room


Eugen: Bismarck, what happened?

Bismarck: She...she was right there with us

Eugen: She?

Bismarck: Hood was here the whole time

Eugen:...The Kommandantin I'm guessing?

Bismarck: Y-yes...


Eugen pulled Bismarck into a hug, patting her back as she leaned in her shoulder.

Eugen: We'll find her Bismarck, I'll personally drag her back if I need too

Bismarck hugged her back, softly crying into her friend's shoulder.

Bismarck: T-thank you Eugen...thank you...

Eugen: It's alright...go back to your room and rest, I'll get some help

She guided her back to her room, going to her phone and making a call.


?:*phone* Hello? Who is this?

Eugen:*phone* This is Prinz Eugen

?:*phone* Eugen? Why would you be calling here of all places?

Eugen:*phone* I made a pretty good discovery. I was suspicious of our Kommandantin, but now my suspicions held true

?:*phone* What are you talking about?

Eugen:*phone* It's about Hood...she's alive and somewhere in Germany, but probably not for long


?:*phone* I know you're not a liar...I trust you on this great warrior

Eugen:*phone* And I trust you on this you handmaid

She hung up, looking out the window into the starry night sky.

Eugen: It's been 60 years Hood...why now? And how?


Eugen: Well, I'll get nothing done worrying tonight, tomorrow starts a new day

She shut off the lights and fell asleep. The next day came rapidly, as the sun came soaring into the sky.

The hunt for the HMS Hood has begun.

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