The Closing Call

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Humans...or Sirens...

New life...or old...


Infiltrator put her hands to her head, feeling the grasp of a mental breakdown beginning to take hold. She needed to calm herself, and think it clearly through with everything she had at her disposal.

Everyone misses her back in the base, the once hostilities turned to longing and abandonment as they all hunkered down on their horrid habits, like Scharnhorst drinking far more heavily than before. Bismarck said it herself that they all miss her, and from the looks of it, none of the outside world know yet of her true origins.

On the other hand, the very people who put her cube into the corpse of Hood, the one's who she forged bonds with before her memory lock, and the people she can consider as birth family. She saw their smiles when she finally returned to them, even the usual grumpy looking Empress gave her a nice hug and even offered her a glass of her finest wine...which she usually greedily hoards.


"God DAMMIT!!" She slammed her hands into her desk, the sound filling the room before fading away, leaving only her ragged breathing behind.

Shakily, her hands went back to her head, wrapping around her ears before she slowly started to calm down again. Her head was pounding now, and so she took a large swig of the liquor she brought with her.

She looked at the bottle, seeing the Jäegermeister logo proudly presented on the front. 'Even my tastes have become German...'

The Siren was drinking her issues away, knowing that she would not find a solution if her conscious and fleeting mind was the one in control of the decision. When drunk, you tend to do what you believe is right to do, so Infiltrator is egging on that hope to find what she believes to be the right choice.

Then, a knocking came to her door. "...Come in."

Slowly, it opened up, but she was in the middle of a swig before she looked over to the door. Her eyes shrunk as she spit out the drink, coughing as the person quickly rushed over and patted her back a few time. "Are you okay Infiltrator?"

"Y-Yeah...but, what are you doing here my Empress?"

Sure enough, Arbiter: The Empress III was the one to enter her room, also being the reason Infiltrator was caught off guard and began to choke on her drink. "I came at the request of Alpha, she had been telling me of your...mental situation."

"...My Empress, it is nothing more than the figments of my Hood persona lingering longer than they truly sh-"

"Enough with that Infiltrator, I know the truth already."


Infiltrator leaned back in her chair, letting out a sigh as she held the bottle in her hand. "Then what of it? Are you here to execute me for considering treason? Perhaps give me a memory wipe so that these thoughts will vanish from me?"

"No Inf-"

"No? Is that really what you believe I'll think? We are Sirens, enemies of humanity, scourge of the oceans, a Siren can't get away with joining them!"

"Infiltrator, liste-"

She was cut off once again, as Infiltrator stood up. "No, I won't listen to you. I respect you my Empress, I am thankful for the mission you gave me...but to abandon what has made me who I am, what my other half was gone through, is too much for me. I will not be having my memories wiped, I find that worse than death."

She stepped forward, looking up as the Empress was taller than she was. "If you're here to terminate me, then get it over with! I won't be forgetting myself for your needs again, I won't be losing those precious years I've spent learning and living as a human, I refuse to lose that all!"

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