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Magnus had been busy with breakfast, barely noticing that Alec and Max had gone through the door. Thoughts were chasing his mind. He knew he had to stay positive but the situation seemed rather hopeless.

Then, he hurt a clap of thunder. The ancient glass ball—usually used for their salad—fell out of his hands and to the floor. It broke into a million pieces but all the Warlock could hear were the raindrops, suddenly hitting the windows with great force. It felt like that sound was louder than anything else.

"Alexander?!" He dashed out of the kitchen and to Max' room but neither Alec nor his son were there

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"Alexander?!" He dashed out of the kitchen and to Max' room but neither Alec nor his son were there. Magnus stopped breathing for a few moments. His eyes wandered to the window and the next breath he drew was sharp and shaky. He stepped towards the balcony and opened the door. As he looked down to the driveway of the apartment, what he saw made him freeze in shock.

Being old, very old—not that he would ever say how old—made him think of himself as experienced and wise. He had proved these qualities quiet a lot. No one could ever say that they hadn't gotten good advice or correct facts from Magnus Lightwood-Bane. No matter how weird something was, no matter how odd and impossible, Magnus had probably experienced something similar in the past.

He had believed in his complete and infinite knowledge, until they had found out about Max and the Arkasth, something he had never heard of before. Not only what Max was but also his powers and how they were somehow related to the clouds and the sky.

Diego had given Magnus a look of utter astonishment after they had returned from the labyrinth. Magnus knew that the High Warlock had seen something big. Powers that no one alive had witnessed. Max must have done something.

"He broke the sky." His old friend had said and it had been obvious that he was lost for further words about this matter.

It was only now, standing frozen on the balcony in the poring rain, that Magnus understood what his old friend had been talking about. What he saw, was without a doubt: breaking the sky.

There was Alec on the floor, he must have fallen. Now, he laid on his back, holding himself up right with his arms and staring up in shock, just like every other soul which witnessed this moment.

Rain was wetting his dark hair and casual clothes, making his white shirt almost invisible and revealing his muscular body

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Rain was wetting his dark hair and casual clothes, making his white shirt almost invisible and revealing his muscular body.

In any other situation, Magnus would have thirsted over that view but now, he could only notice that if Alec would move only a few inches, then he was dry. Because the hole — there was simply no other word for it — that had been drilled into the sky, was clear and even let a view solar rays through.

In the middle of the sunny spot flew Maxwell Too Much Lightwood-Bane. His eyes were closed, his blue facial features pulled into a concentrated expression. He didn't look like a child, more like an ancient magical being with thousand years of wisdom, surrounded by a blue light. Under him was the asphalt, above him, the universe.

Magnus didn't know how long it lasted

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Magnus didn't know how long it lasted. It felt like hours to him. Hours in which he couldn't move an inch, too captivated by what he was seeing there.

Eventually, there was a buzzing sound and the earth vibrated once again. It reminded Magnus of last time, when Max had released some powers and the whole apartment had been shattered. But now, it wasn't as strong. Just a soft vibration going through the floor, the ground, maybe the whole earth. With that vibration, the rain stopped and the sky closed.

Magnus watched how the circle which was showing a million galaxies, slowly closed and when the last star had disappeared, Max fell.

Magnus unfroze the second his body realized that his son was in danger. Max seemed unconscious and fell down from good ten meters. "Max!" He lashed out and wrapped Max in his golden magic to make him fall slower. It was close.

"Alexander!" Alarming Alec hadn't been necessary, his husband was already unfrozen had dashed forward to catch their boy. Magnus exhaled, once Max was safely in Alec's arms. The exhale made him realize that he hadn't breathed properly the whole time of the incident.


Within a second, Magnus was down and ran up to Max and Alec. He could read his husbands eyes like an open book and — to no one's surprise — Alec was equally shocked and fascinated.

"What was that.." He whispered. The shaking sound of his voice made Magnus put an arm around him and rub his shoulder slightly. He looked down at Max and closed his eyes in relief, when he realized that the boy was just sleeping. Probably more exhausted than a toddler should be.

"I have no idea." He admitted, something he had probably lastly said a few hundred years ago.

"It was like—" before Alec could find the right words for what it was like, there was a loud banging sound, shaking earth and sky once again.

"What the fuck! I haven't even had breakfast yet and—" Alec didn't continue, too fascinated by what he saw, once again.

The sky opened but it wasn't Max' odd magic this time, it was a familiar image. Golden bright light, a warm feeling and the sound of a beautiful melody.

An angel emerged from the light and when Magnus would have been in awe a few month before, all he felt now was rage

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An angel emerged from the light and when Magnus would have been in awe a few month before, all he felt now was rage. Rage and the urge to take Max as far as possible away from this horrible creature.

🌈So many broken skies 🙊🌈

Max Lightwood-Bane (Malec AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now