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It was all very strange. Sometimes, Max felt as if he was trapped in one of the good night stories that his daddies read to him, at least with these he knew they ended well. Other times, it was more like a scary movie.

His parents had promised him that they hadn't left and that he would receive a massive blueberry cookie when he was out of this strange world. With that in mind, he managed to stay calm and simply walk through the very odd scenery and watch things happen.

And a lot of things happened. Things that made him really sad and sometimes even hurt in his chest. Big flowers were dying in front of him and whenever that happened, he could hear a voice inside him. He faintly remembered having heard that voice before, not too long ago.

It was a bad voice, telling him to take control. It wanted him to use his powers and be in charge of everything around him, so he could decide himself which flower should live or die. It felt tempting, almost like in his pretend games with Magnus, when they played to be superheroes and Max always got to be the big boss in charge. He liked being in charge and ordering his daddies around but this was different. It didn't feel like a game.

He still had Terran's words in his head: "Everything the earth does has a reason. It's a circle of life and death and even if it's sad, we can never corrupt it. We watch and we learn but we never interfere."

He also remembered how Alec and Magnus had told him over and over to listen to the tall Warlock who always wore weird brown clothes —he liked his papa's colourful ones better.

Letting things happen had gotten much harder after the voice had appeared in his head. He was tempted, a lot, but he also kept thinking of that cookie that he would get if he would be a good boy.


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Soon, the environment changed again and Max found himself in a forest, surrounded by nature. He heard birds, saw butterflies and even a deer. For a brief moment, he smiled, then something changed again.

Suddenly, there was fire. It wasn't as hot as expected but it still seemed to be real fire and he knew it could hurt him. As the flames destroyed the butterflies, the trees and insects, on their way to eat the deer, a memory flicker in his mind. A distant, but very important memory.

"Stop! Stop!" He screamed at the fire, not wanting to see how the shy animal would burn and turn to ashes.

His head ached. Fire, he had been in fire before. He had felt this way before.. the flames, the smoke, the screams. Who's screams?

"Mama," he heard himself whisper and as if that word had unlocked a secret door, the past flooded him at an instant. Everything around him started to spin and suddenly, he wasn't in the strange world anymore but in a small house.

Max Lightwood-Bane (Malec AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now