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With Magnus back home and a plan in their minds, Alec felt more like himself again. It was like a huge weight that had been lifted off his chest, not completely but definitely a big chunk of it.

Max could still get labelled as a danger and killed by the angels but now it felt like they at least had a realistic chance to save him. Besides, Magnus was back by his side and that made everything seem a lot easier. The whole institute benefitted from the Warlocks return because Alec's mood had travelled from rock bottom back to a healthy and stable level.


"Just.. be polite." Magnus adjusted Alec's jacket and the Shadowhunter frowned, not for the first time today.

"I'm always polite, by the angel.. why are you so nervous? I mean, I get it.. he's a big deal and all but.."

"I don't know.. he's pretty impressive and so is his life and.. I guess I just want to let him know that.. so is mine." Alec nodded but couldn't quite push the slight sting of jealousy that rose in his chest down. Wasn't he impressive enough? Did he seriously have to wear a fancy jacket and be extra polite? Couldn't Magnus just be proud of him regardless? He knew these thoughts were childish but it annoyed him anyways.

Terran was on his way to meet and start teaching Max things. He might only be three years old but he was definitely smarter than regular toddlers. He seemed to understand everything he got told, even the complicated things and Alec was sure that if he had the words, he would also join in every discussion with valuable opinions.

He was Mini Magnus in a lot of ways and that made the Inquisitor feel like his baby was wiser than him. He definitely had mastered the look already, that look that Magnus always had when he was talking about things no one else understood.

"What if Max doesn't like him?" Alec asked, stepping next to his husband, as they waited outside for the portal to appear.

"We explained it to him already. I think he got it, it doesn't matter.. he has to accept him as his mentor for now."

"Luckily not forever."

Magnus shifted and Alec turned his head, frowning once again. "What?"

Magnus cleared his throat and played with his earring. "Nothing.."

Knowing Magnus had been a big piece of work, understanding his little micro expressions and categorizing them correctly, but by now, Alec was a master at it. "There's something you haven't told me yet. Spit it."

Magnus sighed and Alec would have felt triumph for having read him so well, if it wasn't for his curiosity and how serious the situation still was.


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"Well.. he wants to be in Max' life.. for good. That was the prize. So technically, he will be some sort of family friend or mentor or weird uncle.."

Max Lightwood-Bane (Malec AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now