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Max felt pretty good. The last days had been a thrill for him. He had his own little pillow nest in a massive bed. "Your blue castle." Magnus had whispered in his ear once. It hadn't always been blue but Max had found a way to turn the individual pillows and soft blankets into his favourite colour.

Magnus, the baby adored the man. He always found glitter on himself after Magnus had held him. It was so beautiful and shiny. Sometimes, when the elder didn't look, he turned it blue because that made sense to him.

And there was Alec. He wasn't always here but when he was, then he always got cuddles and a play with him. It was just sometimes a little scary to get carried around by the Shadowhunter because he was so tall.

He was happy, he had no reason to complain. Besides this disgusting food he had been forced to try once. A shiver ran down his spine by the thought of it.

And since there was no reason to complain, Max didn't complain. "He's such a jolly goofball." Magnus used to say and the words made him giggle for some reason.

The little boy had almost forgotten the horror he had felt in his past. He had almost forgotten how it felt to lay uncomfortable, how it was to be hungry, to be cold,  to feel invisible, had almost forgotten how it was to feel lonely.

If it wasn't for Alec's soft snores he would feel it during the nights. He sometimes felt the dark crawl up to him, try to touch him but he didn't let it. Hearing his care takers breathe in the next room, feeling the comfort of his blue castle and having the knowledge that one of the men would come and help him if anything were to happen, all that gave him the power to push away those dark shadows.

He pushed them away every night until they were too afraid to come back. His young soul felt finally free and safe.

Until this night.


Loud drops hit the window and made a rhythmic sound in which the baby found joy at first. But then he suddenly felt something on his chest. As if a heavy weight had gotten put on him. There was nothing there but it felt like something tried to crash his little body.

He whimpered and reached out with his small hands in an attempt to remove whatever was there but his fingers grabbed into nothing.

He wanted Alec to hold him, he wanted Magnus to kiss his head and caress his cheek. But they weren't here. And for some reason, the reassurance that they would come and be there for him, vanished. It popped like a water bubble.

And with that, all the fear came back. The rain somehow brought the heavy darkness back to him and he could just sob silently. The pain on his chest grew stronger with every second and the terror in his heart spread more with every new drop of water, leaving the sky.

He couldn't keep it in anymore and started screaming, not really thinking it would help.

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Max Lightwood-Bane (Malec AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now