Chapter 5 Old Friends

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Alex's POV

I paled as I looked into the eyes of my past lover, I could feel the girl's eyes on me as the man smiled at me. He was just how I remembered him to be, he was the same guy that I fell in love with all those years ago. I also remembered how he tore out my heart in high school, making fun of me and saying that I wouldn't make it anywhere in life. Such great memories.


"Yea, uh hello." I spoke before turning my back to him and giving the girls a scared look, not knowing how to handle this situation. They easily caught onto the face that I pulled, understanding what I was going through in an instant.

"So, how have you been?"  He asked as I slowly turned toward him and pulled a fake smile.

"I've been alright, just fine." I smiled as I heard the three of them snickering behind me, I kicked the leg of the table lightly and it shut them up.

"That's great to hear, so I was just wondering. Why don't I take you out for some time on the town? It's been a while." He winked at me and I tried hard to swallow the bile that came into my mouth.

"Sorry i'm not comfortable doing those things with you, especially with what happened in high school," I flat out spoke my mind. I was tired of having to keep my thoughts within my mind and not letting them be spoken especially when they were important, like right now. If I said something else he probably would have gotten the right idea, you see Ryan wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

"Oh that? I was just hoping that we could put all of that behind us..." He trailed off nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"No, you said you didn't like me then. I'm the same girl as I was back then, if you didn't like me for who I was then you obviously don't like me for who I am right now." I stood up and crossed my arms in front of him as the girls watched nervously.

"That was back then, I was young and a huge idiot......" He tried to reason but I placed my hand in front of his face to silence him.

"Ryan, i've spent a year and a half in prison. I just got out today and I do not feel like getting into this, now leave me alone and let me spend some time with my friends. I said goobye to you senior year, I am not opening up a wound I already sealed years ago," I seethed as I clenched my fists tightly. Eleanor wheeled over to me and placed her hand over my own, I let out a deep breath and watched as Ryan slowly began to walk away.

"A-alright, I see. You have a good time," He whispered before turning on his heel and quickly walking out, I turned and sat down in my chair before giving a light smile to them.

"I was surprised that you didn't swing on him, I missed you and your amazing fighting skills," Eleanor smiled as I blushed remembering the days I would fight my heart out for the people that I loved. It made me suddenly eager to get back into the gym and regain all the muscle, agility, and flexibility I knew I once had.

"I might get back into that stuff, but not fighting people for fun like I used to," I chuckled as we all opened up the menus that were set on the table.

"It would be so cool if we could learn that stuff, you could be our teacher Alex," Perrie joked as we all laughed.

"We would be like ninja turtles, besides the living in the sewer sort of thing," Sophia commented. As I sat around the table with them I couldn't help but feel attached some how, well we all shared the fact that we were dating one of the boys. I felt so accepted and not so nervous anymore, I honestly didn't know what I was fearing in the first place.

"Alex?" I looked up to see the girls looking at me, and a waiter with a bright smile and notepad and pencil at the ready to take my order.

"Are you alright?" Eleanor asked.

Free Falling (Kidnapped Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora