Chapter 24 Catching Stars

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Harry's POV

The line went silent soon after I finished explaining to him Alice's circumstance, I could hear him sniffling on the other end of the phone and it hurt me to hear him like that over the phone. It took me several minutes to tell him all of the extra details, giving details on management and how the FBI were planning to take them down. How they were going to get Alice back to us safe and sound, I honestly couldn't think of any other way of having her back. Safe and without a single scratch and bruise, I knew her outside would be pretty rough but on the inside I knew she was torn to shreds with no signs of being put back together anytime soon.

"She wasn't even really mine to begin with, I don't really know what I had suspected."

"Louis there's no time to think of that now, she's with her real parents and she's happy. I don't even think she would want to come back with us, she has everything that she's wanted and it would be safer for her..."

"Don't you dare get that sick idea in your mind! Of course she would be coming back to us man, she loves you! She loves us! You really think that she would just leave us out in the cold like that? I really expected more of you mate."

"Y-you're right, I'm sorry. This is all just so much, I can't even begin to imagine what's going through her mind right now. I would be sick to my stomach finding all of this out at the drop of a bomb like that, I just hope she'll get back to us soon."

"So who are you going to tell out of the rest of the boys?"

"I've got Niall, and I'll tell Zayn. He has a right to know."

"Alright man, catch you later. Stay well."

I dialed up Niall and gave him the same run through, not taking a single moment of down time for him to think the situation through till the entire end and I was lost for breath. Niall had the same reaction that Louis had, he was silent and he didn't know what to say afterwards. Still mostly in shock but I heard him getting choked up on the speaker, I wanted to cry more but it felt as if my tear ducts were drained dry.

"Who's telling Liam and Zayn? Please tell me someone is going to tell Zayn, he has the right to know."

"Of course mate, I was going to call him right after I finished talking to you."

"Ok I'll hang up so that you can talk to him."

"Wait Niall don't! You can't tell anyone, if word gets out that she's alive then management will do some bad stuff to us. I don't want to get too much into detail."

"Alright man, cross my heart and hope to die."

I hung it up before walking to my bed and having a seat, I scrolled through the contacts and came down to Zayn's name. My thumb hesitating over the call button before pressing it, not wanting to turn away and not tell him. Niall was right, Zayn did have a right to know. I bet he was just as worried for her as we were when he had heard nothing from her. As soon as I held the phone up to my hear I heard him pick up, I didn't want to have a second of awkward talk so I just got right into it.

"Wait a minute management took Alex? I mean Alice."

"Yea, we couldn't tell you or they would hurt her or our families. I'm sorry man."

"No it's ok I completely understand, I honestly don't know what I would have done in that situation. So you said the FBI is going to do something about management, you don't think the FBI is going to kill them do you?"

"Honestly I don't even know what to expect, I'm just glad that Alice was able to find her real parents. She's with them this very moment, and I can't even begin to imagine how she must feel."

"Yea, finding out the person you thought was your mother really wasn't, it life changing. Not to mention finding out that your parents are FBI agents, that's something you really never would be able to expect."

"Yea you're right, I actually got to talk to her for a minute or two."

"You're joking right? Tell me, how did she sound? Did she sound alright?"

"She...she sounded scared and happy at the same time. Scared to be on the run from management, but happy to finally be with her real birth parents."

He let out a long dragged out sigh as I heard him begin to sniffle, I had never heard Zayn actually cry or seen him cry for that matter. It started out as light sniffles, then came crashing down to sobs that he had to set the phone down for. I didn't know what to do but I just stayed on the line, I didn't want to just abandon him when he was going through some pretty rough patches at the moment.

"I still feel like I've let her down man, even when she forgave me I still feel it inside of me. Like this feeling is eating me alive from the inside out and there's nothing that I can do about it, I just don't know what to do man."

"it's gonna be alright man, just take some deep breaths and count to ten. There's no need to get worked up, she'll be with us shortly."

"I know but, what if she doesn't come back? What if she prefers staying with her parents instead of staying with you lads?"

"I-I don't want to think about that, I already tore myself up a bit over that."

"Oh, sorry. Just stay positive man, I'm trying too over here."

"I love you man, stay strong."

"Thanks man, you too."

I hung up the phone and rested my head in my hands, what if she really didn't want to stay with me? I couldn't blame her if she thought that way, being in the spot light for so long especially after all of this stuff happening. I would want to go into hiding too, maybe just maybe I wouldn't have my heart broken by her decision.

My phone buzzed with a text from Louis, showing that he had told 'lima' the news.

We texted each other that we needed to stay strong no matter what, and now the only thing left for us to do was to wait.

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