Chapter 27 I Think I Wanna Marry You

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Alice's POV

Staring at that small bundle of life and joy resting in my arms made me realize something that had never once come to my mind before, and that was my future. Watching my parents share such a beautiful bond made me feel as if I didn't belong almost, but it kind of startled me when I had to keep reminding myself that I did in fact belong here with them no matter how foreign that thought seemed to me. 

"How old were you guys when you got married?"

My mother looked to me with a warm expression before grabbing my father's hand and squeezing it tightly. 

"I was 19, and your father was 22."

That's how old Harry and I are.

"I want to marry Harry."

They both look to me with wide eyes before looking to each other, I can't read what's going on inside of them but I can tell they are thinking hard of what to say to me next.

"That's a very big decision, are you sure?"

"With everything that I have, but how am I supposed to propose when I'm half way across the United States?"

"With all due time, the timing will become right I promise you." 

I look to my left hand and just imagine a ring sitting there on my ring finger, for all the world to see that I was no longer left alone in this world. However as I hold Logan a little longer I hear him begin to whimper in my arms, my dad comes over and lifts him from my arms before returning him to his mother. 

"So how was your life in California?"

"It was....everything I dreamed it would be."

"So I'm guessing you're gonna be going back huh?"

I look to my father and see the look on his face, I couldn't really tell if it was hurt or confused. Either way it felt as if I was being stabbed in the heart, it made me wonder if I was really making the right decision.

"I'm not exactly moving back to California, I can't because it isn't safe to move back to where so many bad things have happened. I don't know where exactly I'm moving to after all of this is over, but I promise it will be close to you guys. I don't think I could live with myself if I missed out on that little one's life." 

My parents smiled wide as my father sat next to me and squeezed me into a tight hug, the look on his face obviously showing major relief at what I had just said. I couldn't blame them for that, after finding their first born alive and well 19 years later I knew that if I was in their shoes I wouldn't let them out of my sight for a single second. 

"I just don't want to intrude on your lives you know? I know you both have lives, not to mention a new one to take care of."

"Kicking you out would be the last thing on our minds Alice, you wouldn't be intruding at all."

"Well I'm glad you think that, but I still need to get a job and a new place. My apartment is most likely completely empty, and they probably gave some excuse to my job saying that I had to leave the country or something." 

A sudden knock on the door spurred us out of our thoughts, my mother called out to come in and the door opened to reveal a nurse with a small smile.

"Hi Mrs.Kennedy we have a visitor here for you by the name of Zayn Malik, are you accepting visitors at this time?"

My eyes widen to the size of saucers as the sound of that name greets my ears, I hadn't see Zayn since that night at the airport when we said goodbye. I didn't really think that it would be our last time seeing each other for quite some time, but I was still quite shocked to see that he had come all the way here. 

"Zayn Malik, Alice didn't you say that was a long lost friend of yours?"

"Y-yea, we haven't seen each other in a while."

"Then yes, I will be accepting visitors at this time. Bring him in."

I stand myself up and straighten out the clothes I'm wearing with my hands, knowing that it most likely won't do a thing to the outcome of my clothes. Several seconds later the door opens and his head peeks in before his body, and I see that his hair is dyed blond at the very top. He steps in and closes the door behind him, all eyes are on him as he meets my eyes. Before I can even realize what's happening I'm rushing into my arms as if this was nothing new. 

I bury my face in his neck and take a shaky breath in, he still smelled the same.

It takes me back to when I cried over him till my heart felt like it would burst, when he lost his memory of me and his world around him I still loved him as if nothing had happened. I loved him though he caused me so much emotional pain, I loved him even though he pushed me away and I hated him for it. 

"I thought you were dead."

"To be fair, everyone thought I was."

He pulls back before looking to my parents standing there and looking with confusion, Zayn walks over to them and introduces himself. Suddenly my father hugs him with a laugh, I can't really comprehend what either of them are saying so I look to my mother. She's just smiling and watching Zayn, but I can tell she's being as watchful as a lioness. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, is this your son?"

"Yes, this is Logan."

"He's beautiful, he has your eyes." 

Before I can register what's happening I see her cheeks lightly blush, the smile on her face widening as she looks from Zayn back to Logan.

"You really think so?"

"Well I haven't seen his eyes yet since he's glaring at me quite a bit, but from I can see he's got yours." 

"Oh, thank you. That's awfully nice of you to say."

He turns to my father and greets him with the firm shake of his hand, he smiles wide as they exchange polite conversation. I guess they forgot that he was the one that let go of me while I was in prison, I expected them to have a bit more resistance to him than this. Acting as if he was a long lost relative they hadn't seen in quite some time, it was so strange to me.

Suddenly Zayn turned around and walked over to me, he grasped both of my hands in his before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He opened them once again before giving my hands a tight squeeze.

"Alice, I've known you from the time you were called Alex. I remember the day I laid my eyes on you and I felt this tight feeling in my chest, it was indescribable  and I still get that feeling whenever I look at you."

What the hell was he doing?

"I've loved you since the beginning, no matter how many times I've brushed my feelings aside I can't help but have the same feelings for you even now. Even when I was with Perrie I felt that my heart belonged to you and only you, and I feel that way in this very same moment. I know you're with Harry, but you can't deny these feelings that you still have for me in your soul."

Oh god, please don't tell me.

"What I'm trying to say is...."

He get's down on one knee with my hand in his.

"Will you marry me?"

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