Chapter 8 Let's Work Together

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Alex's POV

Shivers immediately arched up my spine, not wanting bring eye contact with the creepy man across the street. I grimaced his way and his smirk turned into a look of surprised, I looked away with my head held high with a sense of pride. Not wanting him to think that I had any interest, I looked back from the corner of my eye and saw that he had turned away. A look of hurt written across his features, I smiled in triumph of scaring him away.

"Uh, you alright there Alex?" I snapped out of my trance to look at Louis beside me.

"Of course! Just thinking of a great time we're having, remembering all the times we would hang out together like this." His smile widened as he threw his arms around my shoulders, his eyes bright and shining as the sun reflected off of them.

"Yea, those were great. Time sure does fly.

" I nodded in agreement, wanting to cut that moment short. Not wanting to think about my time back there once again, wanting to forget about it all together.

"Remember the day after you guys got me?" He threw his head back with laughter at the memory.

"Yea, when you escaped the house and we found you fighting in that alley? Killer, can you still fight like that?" I thought for a moment.

"I honestly don't know, I've been out of practice for too long. Maybe if I get back into the gear of things after a while, I could possibly be even better than I already was." He smiled wide before beginning to laugh once again, I didn't know why but it was too contagious not to laugh with him.


After many hours of time with Louis he suggested that we head back to my apartment, saying that the sun was setting and that he suggested that it was time for us to settle down for a bit. I agreed, we made our way home with wide smiles and light burdens. I got to my apartment and I saw that there was a slip of paper set on top of a large black box, I picked up the note and instantly recognized it as Harry's handwriting.

Hello my love,

        Roses are red, Violets are blue. My heart is full of love for you. Wear this dress, and let the hearts lead you to me.

I couldn't help the goofy smile that came to my face, I turned to Louis but saw that he wasn't there.

"Louis?" I called out, but no one answered me. I opened the lid of the box and saw a beautiful black dress, it felt like silk beneath my fingertips. I raced to my bedroom and took a speedy shower before changing into the dress and shoes, doing my hair and a light amount of makeup. As I walked out of my new bedroom I saw a trail of heart's leading from the doorway of my bedroom, I looked around my apartment before taking a hesitant step forward.

I began to follow the heart's through my apartment until I came to the front door, I couldn't keep the smile from off my face as I realized all the hearts had smiley faces written on them in black sharpie marker. I walked out of my apartment and locked the door behind me, I followed the hearts down the sidewalk. All the while people were giving me strange looks, but I pushed them aside as I followed the trail. I soon came to a building and the hearts lead into it, it came to the elevator and I was sent up to the roof.

As the elevator door's swung open I was able to hear loud music crooning from nearby, I saw that there was a door slightly ajar. I opened it and stepped outside, the sunlight bright in my eyes from being in the dark for so long. The music was louder now, I couldn't recognize it but I knew that it was still beautiful. As my eyes adjusted I was able to see that it was Harry, standing before me in a suit with a smile as bright as the sun.

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