Chapter 14 Falling Up

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Alex's POV

The alarm from my phone woke me up, telling me with its screeching tone that it was time for me to go out into the world. I huffed out a breath before sitting up and rubbing my eyes, my mind flashed over the events of last night and I inwardly scowled. I showered and changed into something simple, I walked out of my apartment and out onto the sidewalk. I began the walk to my work with my ear buds in, letting out my stress through the loud raging music.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Ryan, in the same outfit as last night with deep bags under his eyes. I rolled my eyes and immediately turned back around, he ran in front of me as I continued to onward trek.

"Alex listen to me, I'm sorry ok? I'm so sorry for pulling that on you."

I shook my head with a sarcastic chuckle as I roughly shoved past him.

"Don't talk to me."

He sighed loudly before walking beside me at the same pace, my anger fueling as he continued to walk with me. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists as I began to count, I really didn't need to show up at work with blood stains on my clothes.

"If you won't talk to me then i'll just walk with you to work."

I stopped in my tracks and crossed my arms, he stopped as well and turned to look at me. With a quick movement I punched him in the throat, he staggered back with a wheezing sound while clutching his neck. I sighed satisfied before continuing my walk, I didn't bother turning around. Knowing that the creep would follow me none the less, I finally got to the building and walked in with a wide smile at the familiar smell of books taking up the space.

"Ah! Alex, I hope your feeling better now that you've had some rest." My boss smiled.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned as I set my bag down on the counter.

"You had the flu, and you had your boyfriend call you out of work." Realization struck me and I gave a small nod, remembering that day.

"Yea, I feel loads better." I smiled as I walked to the back and set my belongings there.

I looked to see the new shipment of 'The Maze Runner' and heaved up the large box, carrying it into the front before bumping into something and dropping the box. I look in front of me and see Ryan with a sheepish smile on his face, I roll my eyes before heaving the box back into my arms and turning to walk away.

"Alex can you just wait please? Let me explain myself."

I set the box down on the counter before turning to him with crossed arms, an eager look on his face before I look down to my watch.

"You've got a minute, you're interfering with my work."

He nodded before taking a deep composing breath.

"I just want to be close to you, ever since high school I couldn't help but feel remorce for what happened and I don't think I got the chance to apologize. I feel as if its my fault that you turned to a life of crime, if I was still with you none of this would have happened! I only said that because....because I thought that was what you wanted."

I let out a sigh as he finished, I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Giving me a pleading look to understand, and forgive him.

"Ryan, I can't begin to tell you how how many people blame themselves for that. It's no one's fault but my own, I chose to do what I did and I paid the consequences. It's not your fault, and I'm doing just fine I swear. I forgive you alright?"

I watch as his eyes begin to fill with tears, he suddenly crushes me in a hug before pulling back to wipe at his eyes.

"Now don't you have a job weirdo?"

I walked him to the door and bid him goodbye, telling me that he would try harder to make things good between us. I turned back to the box and gripped its sides before taking a deep breath in, and allowing it to flow out. I took the box back into my arms before walking over to the shelves, beginning my work with a little leap in my step.

As I began to set the books up onto the shelves, and the box began to become empty I felt something unfamiliar at the bottom of the box. I look to see a very old looking book, I open it to see that all the pages are blank. "I see you've found my gift." I turn round to see my boss standing there with her bright and cheery smile, she stepped forward and set a dainty hand on my shoulder.

"Just by looking at you my dear, I can tell that you've been through a lot. I've had my fair share of harship and I always felt better after I wrote out how I was feeling, so I'm hoping you would take this book and use it to pour out you're emotions."

I ran my hand over the smooth covering of the book, it was a deep black with gold embroidery all over. It was beautiful. My mind immediately began to buzz with ideas to write in it, the endless stories I could tell through the pages as I let out what I've been holding inside of me for so long.

"You know what, this is exactly what I needed. Thank you, I really appreciate it."

She smiled before turning round and heading back to whatever she was doing. I took a seat on one of the chairs placed around the store and opened the book once again, running my hand over the smooth lined paper without a single letter gracing its page. I planned on filling these pages to the very last empty space, and I knew that with my life I wouldn't have a hard time doing that.

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