Chapter 13 Bring It Around Town

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Alex's POV

I couldn't believe what I was going to hang out with my ex, sure I know a few people who are cool with hanging out with their ex's. But not when they were enemies about an hour and a half earlier, but from what I've learned in this life so far is that anything can happen.

"Hey, I know this really great Chinese place. We can get some grub and go to an arcade or something?" I punch him in the arm as I smile wide.

"You, my friend are speaking my language." We grabbed our food and ate before heading to the nearest arcade, our minds absorbing countless adventures of animated characters.

"I'm gonna OD on this stuff I swear, I'm gonna start foaming at the mouth with cotton candy." He handed me yet another twizzler as I slammed the hammer down on the moving mole.

"Die spawn!" He doubled over with laughter as I won the game, tickets spewing out of the machine like a fountain. I took then with glee before looking over the rest of them, they were almost too much to carry.

"Why don't you go sit and count, while I get us some pizza."

He jogged off to grab some while I sat down at a booth, I began to count and by the time I got back I had about 200 tickets.

"200 tickets? Make it rain!"

I punched his arm with a laugh before devouring a slice of pizza, taming the beast that was my hungry stomach.

"You know what, I'm glad I had this night out with you. I really needed a break, and you actually didn't irritate me tonight." He narrowed his eyes at me as I threw my head back with laughter.

"You know you love me dork." He only smiled while shaking his head, biting into his own slice as I grabbed a second one.

"I want to get that cool frog hat, reminds me of Harry." Ryan nearly choked on the piece of pizza in his mouth at my remark.

"Ok so let me get this straight, you're boyfriend whom you're madly in love with reminds you of an amphibian?"

I nodded my head with a wide smile, his expression still remaining the same.

"You catch on quick!" He rolled his eyes at me before thinking to himself.

"OK, so if I were to be an animal what would I be." I sat back in my seat and thought for a while, trying my hardest to pick out the most annoying one of them all.

"Well you would probably be a wood pecker, annoying little bugger's. Also, I know a Cicada isn't an animal but you resemble them quite beautifully." He choked on his drink causing me to throw my head back with laughter.

"Ok, so you're comparing me to an annoying insect that sheds their skin and leaves it just about everywhere." I grabbed my cup and took a long sip with a smile.

"Precisely young pest." He rolled his eyes for almost the millionth time that night as I cackled at him.

"You know, this is so much fun. I never thought that I would be doing this with you in almost a million years." I nodded in agreement as I hit the mental rewind button of my life, remembering how the dip wad tore my heart out of my chest without any remorse.

"Yea, same here." He scratches the back of his neck nervously at my reply, not really sure what to say.

"So uh, how are things going with that famous boyfriend of yours." I'm a bit surprised at the question, but I answer anyways.

"He's.....amazing, everything that I've hoped and dreamed of in a man. C'mon I'm grabbing that hat." We stand to our feet and we walk side by side up to the rewards table.

"So how long have you two been together?" I slapped my tickets on the desk before pointing up to the smiling frog hat.

"A couple if months, maybe 14." He looks to me with wide eyes.

"Wait, but weren't you in..." I cut him off with a nod as the lady handed me the hat.

"Yup, we wrote each other every day. Never missed a day no matter what, it was really nice." I slip the hat on my head before we both walk back to our little table.

"I know with your boyfriend being on tour and all can be lonely and stressful, and I just want you to know that I'm here for you." He places his hand over my own as he gives me this weird look.

"Uh, thanks I guess." I murmur as I take another sip out if my cup, my heart beginning to pick up pace at how weird he was acting.

Asking me all of these questions that made feel a bit awkward revealing them all to him.

"I know that with him being away, you have your needs. I'm just letting you know, that I would be honored to fulfill your needs. All of them." He smiles wide as my eyes widen, I take my hand away from his hold causing him to lightly frown.

"So, we can just head over to my place. We'll take it slow, I won't hurt you I swear. I'll do what ever you want me to."

I shoot up with rage before punching him hard across the face, knocking him out of his seat and onto the floor. I begin to see his eye swelling up as I grab both of our drinks and dunk them onto him, he looks shocked to the absolute bone.

"How dare you? I just came here to get my mind off if him and have a good time, but instead you offer me sex? Are you mental? I never want to see you again, you're just the same from high school." I grab the box of pizza and pull my hat firmly onto my head before storming out of there.

"Lex, please wait up!"

I hear him coming after me and I run all that faster with my keys ready before hand, I make it into my apartment successfully and lock my door behind me. I can hear him banging on my door from my bedroom while I eat my pizza, my anger just about to reach its peak. I think of Harry in my head, I think of his voice telling me to breath deeply. To count until I'm calm, and it eventually works. I put on my earphones and block out Ryan's noise, just wanting to hear Harry's voice. Eventually his noise is silenced, and all I'm left with is the dreadful silence and my desire to be held.

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