Chapter 30 The Last Stand

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Alice's POV

Waking up I found myself exactly where I remember passing out, laid out in the crumpled position I had landed in. I felt as if I had just been thrown off the empire state building, I couldn't stop trembling as my vision went in and out of blurs all around me. My heart loudly pounding within my chest as I moved my head from side to side, gently checking if I had broken any bones without my knowledge. I slowly sat up in a kneeling position and checked myself thoroughly, only finding that my head was absolutely killing me. I felt my waistband and found that my gun was still there thankfully, they must have assumed that I left it back in that room. 

I slowly came to my feet immediately hit my head against a ceiling I didn't even know was there, it was so dark I couldn't even see anything in front of me. I followed the short ceiling till I got to a part where the ceiling was highly elevated than the rest of the room. I wobbled on my weak legs before falling to my knees, as soon as I landed on the ground bright lights blared on from directly in front of me. I cowered and shielded my eyes from the bright light, directly in front of me stood a large pane of glass. Standing behind the glass was countless men with smug smiles on their faces, I felt something slide down my face. 

I dabbed at the liquid and pulled my hand away to find out that it was actually blood trailing down the front and back of my head. I guess I hadn't checked thoroughly enough. I felt the front and back of my head, I pulled my hand away to find that it was completely saturated with blood. I crawled to the front of the room I was encased in, I pressed my bloody hand against the glass leaving a stain. I screamed with all the air left in my lungs as I banged my bloody fists against the glass, the men behind the glass jumped so high I swore I saw their toupee's lift up a bit. 

"She's quite blood thirsty."

I watched as the man who put me there in the first place stepped up from where he stood at the back of the crowd, a microphone in his hand as my hands slid down the glass. Leaving the trails of my blood to slowly trickle down like rain, he seemed fearless while the other men around him looked like they had just soiled themselves. 

"This is a girl who has caused me a great deal of trouble, she has a kind heart. If you're not on her bad side of course." 

The men around him chuckled nervously, I now began to notice the numbers that stood on sticks that were clasped in their hands. What was going on?

"She is a handful, but can be quite playful and loves toying with her prey. I can't guarantee that she won't kill you whilst you're sleeping, or when your back is turned. However, that is if you choose to keep her alive." 

I felt my eyes widen as they watered, my heart in my throat as I felt my own blood stain my clothing and seep into my hair. 

"The bidding will start at $100,000. And be generous, I'm trying to buy another house for my wife."

He was going to sell me to one of those men, he wasn't having an important business meeting at all. They were waiting for me to come, they were waiting patiently for my arrival like a spider sitting web just waiting for her next meal to get stuck in her web. I watched as all of them raised their numbers earnestly in the air, my eyes trying to plead with them as much as I could. With his back turned there was only one thing I could do, I turned my back to them and fumbled for my gun. Taking off the safety I could hear them still bidding, several seconds later I heard them shouting with price ranges in the millions. 

Looking at this gun in my hand I felt myself begin to tremble, I knew that the cameras would notice what was happening soon with my hands as I fidgeted. I took a deep breath and turned quickly, almost falling on my back in the process. I immediately spotted him and took a single shot at the head, the glass surrounding my enclosure shattered around me as I watched him fall to the floor. I shakily got to my feet and made my way out, as soon as I stepped a foot out the men in the room began to run for the exit. I turned him over onto his back with my foot, his chest hiccuping up and down heavily as his eyes loosely looked around till they found me.


It went in one ear and out the other with me, I ignored his plea for mercy. I couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of pain he was going through, I hoped that it would last until the moment he took his last breath. I crumpled to the floor as the world began to spin around me, his eyes watching me the entire time. I grabbed my gun and tried to steady my shaking hands, changing my mind and wanting to rid him of the world as soon as possible. My finger on the trigger I heard the familiar stampede of boots, in walked Jason.

"Alice drop the gun."

"Let me kill him."

Tears poured down my face in a waterfall as I sobbed raggedly, the gun in my hand shaking as I had no control on it for any longer. 

"Alice if you do not drop the gun I will be forced to shoot you!"

"Just let me do it, I can do it I need to kill him!"

"Alice this is your final warning, drop the gun now!"

I allow the gun to fall from my hand and clatter to the floor in front of me, Jason rushes in front of me and kicks the gun away. He envelops me in his arms and allows me to rest my head on his shoulder. People in front of me blurring into nothing as I clutched tightly to his bullet proof vest, I somehow knew that everything would be ok. 


"She shot him, in the back of the head."

"Did she kill him?"

"Sadly, no."

I hear the sound of sirens all around me, I lurched up from where I was laying down and looked to see that I was being loaded into an ambulance. My heart stuck in my throat as I looked to see Jason standing beside me as the paramedics checked me over, his eyes were wide with worry as I looked all around me. 

"We got him Alice, you did good. That man was the vice president of the management, he killed the head of management two years prior. He was also the head of a large black market circle, you just helped kill two birds with one stone." 

I'm still going in and out of consciousness as the ambulance rolls down the road at a thundering speed, I catch the gist of what he just said but I honestly can't think of what to say in response. I don't even know if I am able to speak at all, it feels as if my vocal cords had been snipped and the only noise coming from my lips being harsh breaths that are quite alarming. 

"Don't be alarmed if she isn't responding to you, she's still in quite a bit of shock."

"By the amount of times that she has actually been in shock, I honestly thought that she would be used to that by now."

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