Chapter 20 Blessing Or A Curse

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Alice's POV


I don't think many people have come to recognize the feeling of discovering something absolutely life changing, myself on the other hand have come to terms with this feeling a bit too quickly for my mind to comprehend. Not many people think that who they are is a lie, not too many people expect to hear that who they thought they were their whole lives isn't even who they really are. Sitting there in my pit of despair on the couch I couldn't help but begin to tremble, my body curled up into a ball as I rocked back and forth.

I stayed there for who knows how long, but all I knew was that it wasn't long. The door opened and in walked Mary with Alexander, the brown bag of groceries dropping from her hands before she raced over to me. Placing her hands on my shoulders as I struggled to breath, the scared look of Alexander snapping me back into reality. I closed my eyes as Mary wrapped blankets around me, her eyes filled with fear as she pressed the back of her hand to my neck, back, and cheek to check if I had a fever.

"What happened?"

I pulled the blanket aside and lifted up the bit of my shirt, she squinted before looking closely. She looked to me with furrowed eyebrows before I pointed to the box set on the small table beside me. She peered inside and pulled out the picture, she flipped it over and read the back. Her eyes flipping back and forth from the picture to myself, her eyes widening as Alexander began to move closer to us.

"Where did this come from?"

"I-it just...they l-left it on the door s-step."

"Who's they?"

"I...I can't say, I don't want to get hurt."

"Alex come on-"

"No! no, no, no, no that's not my name anymore! That never was my name, I don't even know who I am anymore."

"Do you recognize these people in the picture?"

"No, but I know that they're my parents. Do you see the way that they're looking at me? I have her eyes, can't you see it?"


She picks up the box once more, realizing that it's more heavy than she anticipated. She set it down beside me and opened it once again, this time taking out a wallet. She opened it and her brows furrowed as she clasped a hand over her mouth, Alexander standing beside her to look as well. She turned it to me and I saw a badge as well as a picture of myself.

There stood a picture of myself and a badge that read FBI.

What in the world is going on?

I took the ID into my hands and looked over it carefully, there stood my name Alice Kennedy in bold black print. Mary looked back into the box and pulled out a suit as well as shoes, all of them being in my size. Lastly she pulled out a gun as well as  note, she handed them both to me. I immediately set the gun down beside me, I shakily opened the letter and thoroughly began to read. 

My Dearest Alice, 

                Your mother and I hoped that you would one day be able to read this letter, we hoped that you would be able to take on the world with every once of might that you had in your body. We hoped that we would be able to watch your first steps, to hear you utter your first word. God had a plan for you that your mother and I just didn't understand, he had a reason to take you take you away from us. However, you're in a better place my dear. Your mother told me to write this letter to you, to let out all my emotions. It only makes my heart ache more for my daughter, and I have an honest feeling that this ache will not easily be diminished. I love you my dear, with all my heart and I wish to see you again.


             your father Michael Kennedy

Tears began to pool down my face as I finished reading the letter, my parents thought that I had died.

Whoever told them that, was obviously lying. Taking me from my birth parents and then selling me off to the woman I called my mother my whole life, to be quite honest nothing surprised me anymore. I turned over the letter over and saw another inscription, telling me to come to a certain address the day after tomorrow. 

"I have to go."

"What if you're not well enough to go?"

"I'll be there in a pool of my own blood if I have to be."

"What if they're just trying to kill you? Whoever these people are."

"No one would go to all this effort to try and kill a crippled girl who had no way of escaping the house she was in, plus they had the chance to when they dropped off this package."

"I guess you're right, then you should rest up as best as you can. Which means no working yourself up, and no moving around too much. Even if you have to leave the day after tomorrow, that's no excuse to do whatever you want."

"Yes ma'am."

"Wait, Mom where is she going?"

"She....she's going to go find her family."

"But Mom, she can't go! She only just just here a couple days ago."

His eyes began to tear up as I he launches himself into my arms, my heart in my throat as I hear his little sniffles and feel his fingers clench my shirt. 

"There's no need to say goodbye now, you still have the rest of the day and tomorrow when I'm still here." 

He shrugged his shoulders in reply yet still held onto my tightly, as if he were afraid that I would jump out of the window and disappear. To leave him all alone with his mother once again, it made me not want to leave either. I closed my eyes and just reveled in the touch of a child, my heart breaking apart as Mary began to cry beside us. 

All good things have to come to an end, no matter how good they are.

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