Chapter 19 Poor Alice

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Alex's POV

I thought I was  beginning to go mad, things we're starting to become what they were and what they weren't. The things that didn't make sense made sense, and the things that did didn't. Just the very thought of waking up and having this all be a dream made tears come to my eyes every time, it began to get harder to breath as a lump formed in my throat. I didn't want to think of what could happen to my boys, wondering what in the world they were doing at a time like this.

Did they even know what happened to me? They had to, the thought of them being held captive for my sake made me sick to my stomach. My fault once again for having the world collapse around them, it was most likely the only thing that I was good at. Looking around, my vision still fuzzy from the sudden flashback that I had. 

The woman had disappeared but there was a large fleece blanket wrapped around my body, and a cold rag set atop my forehead in an attempt to cool me down. When I pulled it away and felt my forehead, I could even tell that I was burning up. I grabbed the cup of water that was set on the floor beside the couch and took heavy gulps, the water immensely quenching my thirst. I set the empty glass back down onto the floor before gazing back up to the ceiling.

This was never going to end, this life that I lived would never be calm. I would never be at peace and I knew that in my heart of hearts. I didn't know what I was thinking, actually thinking that I would be able to make out of the clutches of my old life without a scratch. This wasn't a scratch, this was a gun shot to the heart I honestly didn't think that it would patch up this time. There was almost no use for me to be here, honestly if I was gone the boys wouldn't be held under the restraint that they were.

 I was supposed to be 'dead' anyways, why not make their management's dreams come true?


Louis's POV

I couldn't think, sleep, eat. 

Neither of us could.

Harry was actually beginning to go insane, no one spoke for several days. At the shows we performed at for the next three days we painted on smiles and laughs, faking every single emotion that seemed to get passed out filter of absolute pain. Each one of us blamed themselves, none of us knew what to do with ourselves as our break approached closer and closer. A whole year all to ourselves, it was nice to have all that time but I couldn't help but shed a tear as I watched Harry tear apart the plans he and Alex had for each other.

It felt as if a part of my soul had been torn apart and I wouldn't be getting it back anytime soon, I shut myself off from the rest of the world as our tour came to a close. It felt as if it was becoming hard to breath, like the walls were closing in on me every second I knew that she was out there alone and scared. I knew that she wanted me to be strong for her, but it was so hard to be strong when you can't even hold yourself together.


Alex's POV

I didn't know how many days went by, all I knew was that the sun and the moon entered and exited the sky more times than I could count. And for all those days we were snowed in, kept warm inside until I felt that my innards were cooking. Suddenly one morning when I woke up on the couch, it was silent. The howling of the wind was reduced to a quiet hush, it being so quiet that the loudness of the quiet made my ears ring.

I sat up slowly as to not hurt my still sore muscles, just as I began to shift on the couch I heard a loud pounding on the door. I looked around and saw that the fireplace had long gone out, the events from last night vanishing with the smoke that rose up and out of he chimney. I looked beside me and saw a note resting on the small table beside the couch, I picked it up and began to read.

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