Chapter 31 Breath Out Clouds

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Alice's POV

Sometimes I can't even begin to fathom what my life is, there I was laying in a hospital bed for what seemed like the 10th time and it was eerily quiet. I opened my eyes and looked around to see the people that were worried about me as well as my friends, my parents were back in the hospital so that my mother could fully recover. I felt a hand squeeze mine and I look to see Harry's hand in mine, he let out a sigh of relief as his eyes met mine and I resisted the urge to fall apart right then and there. 

"Hey, what did I miss?"

"Not much actually."

"You sure about that?" 

He smiled before leaning over the bed to place a kiss on my forehead, I thought I wouldn't be able to see him again. My heart beginning to pound inside my chest like a drum, I thought my heart would bust out of my chest if I were to lay there still any longer. I leaned up as much as I could before enveloping him in my arms as much as could while being injured, he hugged me just as tightly but making me lay back down on the bed.

"Please rest, I don't want you straining yourself doing things you aren't supposed to."

"But where's the fun in that?"

He smiled at me as I watched his eyes catch on the ring placed on my finger, the small diamond catching in the light and twinkling like a star.

"Where do we go after this?"


"But where is that going to be? Going back to Cali is too dangerous."

"Home is where ever you are, so I don't mind where we go." 

I scoffed at his mushy feelings but I couldn't help but feel a hot blush rise up my cheeks, I didn't want to leave this moment for all the money in the world. I didn't care that my body was fiery with pain, just having him there beside me would get me through it not matter what.

"W-where's Zayn?"

The smile on his face fell a bit.

"He uh, is doing ok. Heard he was with this girl named Gigi Hadid."

"Did he stop by to see me?"


I looked to my hand resting on my lap and let out a shaky sigh, wondering what in the world I was to do now. If Zayn would ever forgive me, but in that moment I realized that I wasn't to blame for how he was feeling. He had brought that upon himself for doing what he did back when he found me in the hospital with my parents, I then began to realize that he wasn't angry at me. He was remorseful, at least that's what I think is happening inside that brain of his. 

"Well I wish him all the luck in the future." 

Everyone in the room looked to me wide eyed with surprise written on their faces, nothing was said as I watched them with a small smile on my face.

"So when can I get out of here?"


Walking out of that hospital a day and a half later was one of the best experiences of my life, it felt like I was leaving my heavy past behind and that I was no ready to delve into the future. That who I was, was going to control me no longer. That I would finally be able to by myself, all I had to worry about however was how I was going to be seen in the public eye. There were so many things they knew but didn't know, I was almost too afraid to step foot out of the hospital. 

There were so many paps I almost couldn't see in front of me, but I felt Harry's arm around me guiding me to the car. I hung my head low with sunglasses on and a large hood over my head, I kept my eyes trained towards the floor as I was lead to the car. I hopped in and the door was shut behind me, Harry climbed into the seat beside me on the other side and let out a breath of relief as he reclined in the seat. 

"Well, the hardest part is over."

I looked to him and smiled, I fit my hand in his and I couldn't help but allow my eyes to catch the engagement ring on my hand.  The stone catching in the light that came in from the windows, watching as the world flew by in colors I had missed. Colors that reminded me of home, that reminded me of Harry. I gripped his hand tightly as the drive continued, I couldn't help but have a strange feeling growing in my stomach.

"So what do we do now?"

He looked to me with a sad smile.

"We live."

"Sounds scary." 

He brought the back of my hand to his lips in a peck, my racing heart stilled inside of my chest.

"I can't wait to marry you."

He reached over and unbuckled his seat belt, enveloped me in his arms and allowed me to rest my head against his chest. I unbuckled my own seatbelt and allowed his arms to comfort me, I couldn't remember the last time we were both just able to breath. To look up at the clouds and want to be among them instead of here, just breathing out our own clouds to culminate in the air. We were headed to a cabin in a remote area, to just be with each other. We were all that we needed, all that we wanted. 

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