Chapter 29 Blood

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Alice's POV

It was often times like these I wish that life was simple, that the craziness in my life was all a dream but the people in my life would still remain the very same. If only things were ever that easy, everyone would have everything that they could ever want. At the moment I wasn't exactly where I wanted to be, I wish I were back in that hospital room more than anything. I wish I was still there with him more than anything that I wanted, I didn't want to be holding this gun in my hand. I didn't want to gun down people on the spot, watching them bleed out and die in front of me. I don't know why I had agreed to go on the mission with them, while at this moment I could be celebrating Harry and I's engagement. 

I remember how Harry begged me not to go, how they all begged me not to go.

"Are you insane? I just got you back and now you're heading back into harms way!"

"Harry this is something I need to settle on my own, I can't just have these innocent people fighting my battles for me."

"The last time you fought your own battles you ended up kidnapped and in the trunk of a car rigged with explosives." 

"You got me alright, but just let me do this Harry. It won't feel right for me not to."

And several minutes of my begging and pleading was just enough to get me where I was now, but I regret saying that more than any other sentence that's slipped past my lips. Here I was sitting in the my father's empty space, allowing him to spend more time with his new child and my mother. I never thought that I would one day be sitting here, a gun in my holster and a bullet proof vest strapped around my upper body. 

"Are you sure you want to do this A? Now is your final chance."

Instead of following my mind I nod numbly, climbing into the truck and sitting among many others who are fighting for my cause. The doors slam shut behind us and we feel the truck start and begin to barrel down the road, I close my eyes as I grip my helmet in my hands. Several minutes later I hear Jason call out that we are nearing the headquarters of Modest!Management, I can feel my stomach clenching and I try to even out my breaths to calm myself down. Nothing works.

I feel the truck come to a stop, the darkness of night surrounding us as the doors open and we are immediately plunged into darkness. I was told that all of the important executives were at the very top floor in large conference room, it was hidden from the rest of those who worked there. I was guessing that they were discussing their next move on how to deal with me, little did they know I was directly underneath their noses ready to deliver the final blow. 

We were to evacuate all those inside the building, leaving only the higher ups inside of the building. We were to do this surprise evacuation quietly, and with absolute stealth. If even one of the workers in the building knew about this evacuation and reported it to the higher ups, this would all be for nothing. Everything that we would have went through would have been sent down the drain, not like this hasn't happened before. 

"Rodgers start the evacuation process, keep those higher ups in mind. Light as a feather remember?" 

The soldier standing beside me nods his head in earnest before rounding up his men to take into the room, I barely heard the sound of their boots hitting the concrete ground. Jason nudged me in the side, signaling me to stay close to him. I nodded in agreement and trailed behind him, we crouched behind the very edge of the building watching the people of the building file out quickly yet calmly. I wonder what they told them in order to get them out like that, whatever it was it worked perfectly. Another soldier came out minutes later with a handful of people, and he gave us the signal that it was ok to enter the building now and officially start our part of the mission.

I trail behind Jason into the building as if I was his own shadow, my heart pounding loudly as I held my hand gun firmly in my hand. I don't think I ever held a gun in my life, I was just glad Jason was able to teach me before this mission tonight. He told me I had a natural knack for it, I wasn't as happy to hear that I was natural at carrying a life threatening weapon. Lost in my own thought I suddenly realized that I had drifted off into my own world as we came to a fork in the hallways on the 5th floor. 

I call out his name, and all I'm met with is silence. I curse silently as I look around cautiously, I suddenly hear laughter and look to see a man standing several feet away from me in an open office doorway. Did they forget to evacuate this guy?

"Excuse me sir, I'm gonna need you to evacuate the building there is a threat-"

Before I am able to finish my sentence he pulls out a gun from his suit jacket and shoots at me, I duck down with a gasp and freeze in fear. Before I realize what's happening I shoot up to see not a single trace of him, however the door he came out of was still wide open. That was my only option. I quickly and quietly made my way over to the door, trying hard to mimic the technique of the soldiers I saw earlier moving as light a a feather. 

On the count of three I roll in front of the door with my gun poised and my finger on the trigger ready to fire, but there's nothing. I bang on the door wondering if he's hiding behind there, but I get up from off the floor and realize that no one is in there. I walk into the room and I hear the door slam shut behind me, I gasp and run back and twist the door knob. Nothing. I think nothing of it before putting my gun back in it's holster and begin to kick the handle of the door with all my might, just as it begins to come lose from it's hinges I feel the floor fall from underneath.

I am enveloped in darkness and my screams are the only thing I can hear being echoed around me, I reach out in front of me hoping to feel for a wall or something. But there is nothing that I can see, and nothing that I can feel besides the pumping of my heart that's beginning to lose control. Suddenly my fall comes to a stop with a loud thud as I crash hard onto some sort of make shift cushion that was supposed to keep me from injuring myself from the hall, but as I lay there I feel the brightest light shining in my eyes. I see the blurs of a familiar face and hear a chuckle that made my blood boil, before I was able to look him directly in the face I blacked wishing that I was anywhere but here.

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