Chapter 26 Let Me Hear It

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Louis's POV

I didn't want to think of all the possible things that were currently happening in America regarding Alice's safety, she could have been wiped out without me even knowing and that thought alone leaves me terrified. At this very moment she could be laying somewhere naked and cold at the back of an alley with absolutely no one there to care for her, the thought of her just being alone somewhere made my heart leap up in my chest. I guess old habits never truly die huh?

I remember when she risked her own life to try and save my own hide, why she did it I have no clue. Well I guess I have a bit of a clue, I was one of the only people alive that actually cared about her. Looked after her, and made her feel that her life was actually worth living. I loved her with all of my heart, but I guess she had her real parents to do all that for me. I wonder how they feel about when I adopted her, it was such a spur of the moment decision and honestly I don't know if my head was exactly screwed on straight at the time.

Don't get me wrong I don't regret it, I just didn't know what in the world was running through my mind at the time that I did this. Maybe if I hadn't of adopted her none of this would have happened maybe, just the thought of reversing all this made my head spin like a top. I didn't want to think of all the things that could happen to her at this very moment, I couldn't help but wonder even more now what she was doing. If she was wisely spending time with her parents, or wasting it away as if she was on holiday. 

I walked out onto the balcony of my house and breathed deeply through my nose, trying to calm down my nerves and to relax. I was so nervous for her I couldn't even think straight, I couldn't sit still for a single moment and think of anything else. From beside me I felt my phone ringing, without taking a chance to look at the caller ID I answered it so quick I thought I had gotten whiplash.


"Hi Louis."

Before I could think I felt tears coming to my eyes and I ran a hand through my hair, I gasped into the speaker as I heard her chuckling on the other line. In that moment I never truly realized how much I actually missed her laugh, how I missed hearing her voice ringing in my ears like static. 

"Alice....It's a pretty name."

"Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, I kind of fell down a rabbit hole but I sure ended up in a world my eyes had never seen."

"You don't regret it do you?"

"Not one bit."

I let out a small sigh of relief, but then again she could be telling a tall tale to make my happy.

"Where are you love?"

"I'm at the hospital."

"Why am I not surprised."

"It isn't for me you ninny, it's for my new baby brother. His name is Logan, my parents say he looks exactly like I did when I was a baby."

"How are your parents?"

There was a bit of a hesitant silence on the other end of the phone, but she answered none the less.

"They're great, really great. All three of us couldn't stop crying for an hour when I came home." 

Just the thought of her crying by itself made my heart lurch inside my chest, I could just imagine how it happened. However, what really scared me was if she wanted us in her life. She got into this big mess all because of us, if she did come back to us she would be shoved back into the lime light and I didn't want her to go through with her so that if she didn't want to.

"That sounds lovely Alice, are you feeling alright?"

"Besides the stinging tattoo of my name on my torso, yea I'm just peachy."

"Wait you got a tattoo?"

"Yea, it was after they took me. They um, weren't very subtle with letting me know who I actually was. I'll tell you the whole story when I get back."

"Get back? Get back where?"

"To wherever you guys are."

" aren't staying with your parents?"

"Louis I'm a grown woman with an apartment and job, I can't live with my parents for the rest of my life."

"If that's the case then you can't stay in that exact location, you have to move somewhere else to avoid any kind of danger still out there."

"Yea I thought about that, I guess that's just something we'll have to plan out together."

"You don't know how happy I am to hear you saying that you're coming back."

I heard her laugh on the other end, and I couldn't help but feel myself get choked up. Just imagining her standing in front of me in tears, covered in scars and standing in a hospital room with her new baby brother. 

"I gotta go Lou, you can't stay on the line any longer or they'll know."

"Yea, it was nice hearing your voice Alice."

"Same to you Lou."

And with that the phone clicked off, and I let out a sad sigh as I rest my head in my hands. Taking deep even breaths so I could try not to cry, I didn't want to overthink everything that was going on around me. I would just get angry and end up breaking something again, I honestly had no clue how Harry had become so calm with all of this. Then again he may just be keeping it all balled up inside until he explodes, which is something non of us needed. 

I decided that now was a good time to spend some time alone with Harry, Management never said that we weren't able to do that. I got up from my bed and walked out the door of my apartment, and began to make my way down to Harry's own apartment. It was a good thing we all had agreed to get apartments in the same complex, it made everything easier and we didn't have to worry about each other as much. Before I knew it I was knocking on Harry's door, and to my relief I heard him walking to the door. 

He opened the door and flashed me a warm smile before inviting me in, he offered me a cup of tea or coffee but I declined it respectfully. We both walked over to the couch and as soon as I sat down I asked him how he was holding up. I watched as he let out a deep breath and closed his eyes before beginning to sniffle, then he buried his face in his hands and began to cry softly. I rested a hand on his shoulder and gave him time to compose himself, if he felt like it that is.

"It's alright mate let it all out, I'm all ears."

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