Chapter 12 Without You

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Ok you guys, for the last chapter I received so much love and support from you guys in the comments. You really don't know how much it means to me and how much I appreciate it, reading your comments really encourages me and makes me want to write more. So please, leave as many comments as humanly possible.

Harry's POV

Being away Alex would probably be one of the hardest things I've ever done, especially since I just found her. It just feels as if I'm losing her all over again, but I know i'll come back to her soon. If it was the last thing I did. I looked to the seat beside me, the bear she bought me was sitting there with its adorable smile. I picked it up and looked it over before hugging it to my chest , closing my eyes and deciding that I would be taking a nap. Yea, that would probably make me feel a bit better.

Alex's POV

I thanked the driver as I leaped out of the car and walked into my house, I went straight to my bedroom and leaped onto my bed. I felt something unfamiliar underneath me, so I rolled over to see a teddy bear similar to the one I had gifted Harry. I picked it up and saw that there was a card attached, it was from Harry. It read that the bear was from Harry, so that every time I would look at it the bear would remind me of him. I hugged it tightly to my chest with watery eyes and took a deep shaky breath, I sat up straight before setting the bear down against my pillows. I wiped my eyes before falling asleep, wanting to just get this day over with. I woke up the next morning and immediately leaped out of bed, walking to my closet and grabbing some gym clothes, there was no point wallowing at home waiting for my prince charming to come back. I would do something to occupy my time, to make sure I kept my head leveled.

I walked out of my apartment and down several blocks to the gym, walking through those large double doors and allowing the smell of sweat and B.O. slap me in the face. It was nice of Harry to get me a membership at this place, he always thought of what I may need before it even came to my mind. I walked up to the treadmill, popped in my ear buds before starting it up and starting with one of the only ways to get my mind off of something. The feeling of my legs stomping into the treadmill grounded me, kept me running to the rhythmic thump of my feet and the music coming through my ears. I was snapped out of my trance by a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to see a smiling Ryan standing beside me. I freaked out and tripped over my legs, sending me spinning back off of the treadmill.

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