Chapter 25 Epiphany

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Alice's POV

I didn't really know what to think in this certain point in time, laying down in the guest bedroom whilst trying to clear my head. Funny thing was, this guest room as supposed to be my bedroom when I was a baby. I didn't want to think of all the things that could have been, if all these things haven't happened to me. I was quite literally the 'kidnap' baby. Kidnapped at every and any chance someone wanted to take me for their own. I decided that over a half an hour of trying to sleep was enough for now, walking out of my room and peering down the stairs I saw my parents holding each other in the kitchen.

I could hear their sniffles from where I was perched at the top of the stairs, just watching them made my heart hurt. Suddenly I saw my mother jump and let out a shout, her hands immediately reaching towards her stomach. She began to crouch as my father directed her to a chair, he looked around the kitchen as she began to moan and groan in pain.


As soon as he opened his mouth I was flying down the steps and into the kitchen, I rushed over to my mother and looked to see that her water had broken. 

"Alice do you know how to drive?"

"N-no I don't"

"Alright, well you'll just be in the back with your mother. Go to the closet and grab your mother's pregnancy bag, it's red. I'll bring her to the car."

I do as told and watch as he aided her out the door and to the car, I grab the bag and leap into the passenger seat beside my mom. My father speeds out of the driveway and before I can comprehend it we are zooming down the street, taking me back to the days when I would race down the streets with my friends. Trying hard to evade danger with every spin of the steering wheel, I didn't want to think of that right now. Especially when my new brother or sister would be entering this world in just a matter of time, this wasn't going be about me anymore.

Before I knew it we were pulling into the emergency room parking lot, my father rushing her into the emergency room and shouting at the top of his lungs that we needed help immediately. My mother was immediately placed in a wheelchair, allowing the rest of us to follow after her. However, some of the nurses flocked towards me and telling me that I wasn't permitted to be in the room with her when she was giving birth. After watching them race down the hall like that, all I could do was nod and walk back to the waiting room.

I honestly had no clue how long I had been waiting out there, all I knew was that when I was out there I swore that I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Waiting and waiting until it felt like the ticking of the clock made me feel as if I was probably going to become a clock. Suddenly I heard the name of my mother being called out, I jumped to my feet as the doctor stepped towards me. My heart stuck in my throat hoping that nothing went wrong during the procedure, so many things could have gone wrong.

"Very good news, your mother and baby brother went through just fine. You can see them now if you would like."

I eagerly nod my head and follow the doctor to their room, as the doors open I spot my mother cradling my little brother in her arms with the widest smile I had ever seen. Next to her is my father looking down at him as if he was the greatest thing he had ever seen, I remembered the picture of them holding me the day that I was born. I didn't want to ruin the moment they were having, so I knocked lightly on the open door. They look up to me and smile as my father gestures me over to her bedside, I walk over and peer at the small bundle in her arms.

"What's his name?"

"Logan. Logan Alexander Kennedy." 

I couldn't help but let my eyes begin to water as I reached out to hold his frail hand, he was one of the most adorable things that I had ever seen. 

"Would you like to hold him?"

I nodded enthusiastically as I sat down in the chair beside the hospital bed, my father gently set Logan in my arms as I felt tears trail down my cheeks. All of the bad stuff in the world, all of the terrible things that had happened to me suddenly went away. Nothing else was on my mind except the face of this angel currently in my arms, in that moment I swore on my life that I would protect him with everything that I had. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, ignorant to all of the terrible things happening around him.

"He looks just like how you looked when you were born, I remember that day is if it were yesterday."

I look back to my parents, watching them watch me with the greatest look of love on their faces. I didn't want to leave this moment for any amount of money in the world, just sitting here holding him here in my arms made me realize what really mattered to me in this world. That all the things I thought were important in the past, weren't really important at all. My mind was just so clogged up with my past thoughts and actions haunting me, wanting to stay ahead of myself at all times. 

I heard light cooing and looked to see his eyes open, staring at me through cracked eyelids. I watched as his little lips quirked up into a small smile, from that moment on my mind was changed forever.

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