Chapter 10 Living In The Moment

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Alex's POV

"Where are we going first?"

He smiled at me as we got into his car and buckled our seat belts. "Where ever the wind takes us young grasshopper."

He begins to drive down the street with a smile as wide as Texas, he reaches over to the radio and turns it on. A song we both knew came on, we began to belt the lyrics at the top of our lungs not giving a care in the world if other people were looking. The song came to an end as we laughed so hard our stomachs hurt, he pulled into a parking garage before we stepped out and began to make our way out and down the street. He takes my hand in his as we calmly stroll, we suddenly stop at a flower shop on the street.

"What are we doing here curly?" He simply smiles before leading me to take a seat.

He walks up to the counter and purchases two bouquets of flowers, one a bright pink and the other a deep lilac. He sets them in front of me before holding both of them out to me, his eyes bright with excitement as he gestured to the both of them.

"Which color looks best on me?" I snicker before thinking for a second.

"I think the pink looks better, really brings out your eyes." He rolls he eyes before handing me the pink before leading me to sit back down at the table I sat at before.

"We're making each other flower crowns." I snicker at his adorableness before we both begin. He finished before me and smiled as he placed a flower crown on my head, the way he looked at me made me feel as if I was the only girl in the world that mattered to him.

I finished a couple of minutes later and laid the colorful crown on the nest of his perfect hair, he adjusted it on his head before taking out his phone.

"Come take a picture with me." I rolled my eyes before covering my face with my hands.

"Harry you know I hate taking pictures unless I am the one taking them."

He simply drew me closer and squished me tightly as he took a picture, he looked at it with a wide smile while putting on a black and white filter. Captioning the picture with 'My Flowergirl', I nudged him with a chuckle at how cliche it was. But I couldn't help but feel my heart warm, he brought me to my feet and held my hand in his once again before pulling the both of us out of the shop. Our arms swinging happily as I leaned into him, his touch setting my nerves on fire.

"You know you really shouldn't have called me out of work you know."

He simply smiled wider as he gave my hand a tighter squeeze, I let out a sigh as I looked back down to my feet as we walked.

"Of course I did, I had to. It was an obvious life or death situation."

I roll my eyes as I lightly punch his arm, yet he flinches dramatically. "You know it isn't right to punch the man that loves you."

He looked down to me with a smirk set on his lips. "So? Some would say it isn't right for us to be together, yet here we are." He looked to me with furrowed eyebrows as we began to stroll through the park.

"What do you mean it isn't right?" A heated blush makes its way up my cheeks, my hand clinging to him tighter as I began to spill the things currently on my mind.

"Well I have anger issues, and in my rage I killed someone. I may hurt you if I ever get angry like that again, and I don't want you or the boys getting hurt and when that happens you'll all leave me...."

I was cut off by Harry's lips being pressed to mine as he clutched my cheeks in his hands, my hands coming to grip the sides of his shirt. He pulled away and looked to me with a deep frown, I looked away and adjusted my glasses on the bridge of my nose as I let go of his shirt and twiddled with my fingers.

"Hey now, don't get all shy on me now. Look at me love."

After a couple of seconds I let out a deep breath and I look to him, he took my hands in his to keep me from messing with them. He stepped impossibly closer, my fingers tightly squeezing his.

"You've got yourself under control Alex, I love you and there is absolutely nothing that you can do that will tear me away. You can hurt me physically and emotionally again and again until I am nothing, but I will always love you more than you will ever know. Now don't you ever go around thinking that I will leave you like that, even if you were to kill me right now I would still love you now and forever more. Do you hear me?" I nodded numbly before burying my face in his chest.

"C'mon let's get some candy floss, I could really go for some at the moment."

I smiled and took his hand once more, our hands swinging back and forth as we took turns smiling at each other.

"I think it's time that I get you something Harold." He looked to me with furrowed eyebrows before looking to the ring I had given him a couple of nights ago.

"You already gave me this ring, I couldn't ask for anything more." I shook my head with a smile.

"I mean that it's time that I actually buy you something that you can use on the tour, how about we go into this store?" I dragged him farther down the street and into a bright and glowing shop.

"But what about the candy floss? It was right there." I rolled my eyes before turning to him with my hands on my hips.

"Harold, whining will get you absolutely nowhere. Now hush up and be patient, we'll get some when we come out. Ok?"

He let out a long sigh as looked to me with a smile. "You're not my dad." I playfully scoffed before slapping his bicep, he laughed as I left him at the front of the store and began to walk around.

I walked around the store in the opposite direction of him, I walked along the isles looking for something meaningful. My eyes immediately finding an adorable stuffed bear that reminded me of Harry exactly. The bear was a deep brown with large sewn in black eyes, a tiny black nose with a small sewn in smile. My thumbs ran over the soft texture of his ears, a smile now wide on my face as I squeezed it to my chest in a test for its softness. I pulled it back and gave a curt nod to myself, knowing that this was the perfect gift. I walked up to the counter and saw Harry purchasing something at the counter, he turned back to me at the last second before quickly hiding the thing behind his back as he gave me a wide and cheesy smile.

"You know I couldn't help but buy something for you."

I rolled my eyes with a smile before shoving him aside and forcing him to cover his eyes so that I could pay for his gift.

"Are you ready for some real fun?" He lead me out of the shop as I looked to the time on my watch.

"You saying that is really scaring me." He let out a bubble of laughter before tugging me to his side.

"Don't be like that, you should have a lot more faith in me."

I shook my head, thinking of the multiple ideas he could come up with that would leave me dead in the process.

"Yea alright, are you going to tell me what it is?" He thought for a moment before giving me a small nod.

"We're going on a walk, and I am going to tell you a story. A story of two people who never knew what was coming." I look to him with a smirk.

"I think I'm familiar with this story." He nodded in agreement.

"And we can make this story as we go along, because right now being with you is a fairytale."


I know that this chapter wasn't as long as the others usually are, and that this update came extremely late I'm sorry don't kill me :(

I also wanted to make the scene when Harry leaves a whole different chapter, because I want that whole chapter to have a certain mood and not have it intertwined with this one. That one will come out soon, and I want it to be as sappy as possible. :p

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