Chapter 7 Move On Out

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Alex's POV

After the little moment we had on the couch, we decided that it would be best if we both went to bed. For starters we were tired as ever, and also we needed as much energy as we could so that we would be ready for tomorrow. It wasn't like we were going to move big pieces of furniture, we just didn't want to be the lumps on logs in the morning because we stayed up past midnight watching Full House reruns. That night when we were laying in bed I couldn't help but squeeze him tighter against me, theses were one of the final nights we would spend together so I wanted to make them count and last forever. As he slept I couldn't help but watch him, he was adorable in just about every way. The thought of not feeling his body against mine was terrifying, but I knew that sooner or later I would have to learn how to cope with that.

I began to feel my eyes water as we laid there, I blinked them away but buried my face in his neck. He stirred a little and wrapped his arms around me, sensing that I was on the verge of crying but still half asleep. I fell asleep with the smell of Harry surrounding me, there was no better way to fall asleep if you asked me. Waking up with him the next morning was as good as it could ever get, he would lightly shake me awake while whispering in my ear that it was time for me to wake up. I would be awake but still lay in the comfort of the bed, he would then feel pity for waking me up so early and decide to make me breakfast. After breakfast we changed into some comfortable clothes, before long the boys decided to come over wearing comfortable clothes as well.

"You ready for this?"

I let out a nervous sigh before nodding and clasping his hand tightly in my own. We walked out and to the car waiting for the six of us, we climbed in and I watched as the world blew by while we drove to the apartment. I had mixed feelings of moving into my apartment, sure I wanted my own place. But I also didn't want to leave Harry, sleeping beside him was the highlight of my evening. Always being able to see him, to talk to him at almost any time of the day. It always comforted me to know that he would always be coming directly home to me, it made me feel safe that he would always be there for me no matter what.

Before I knew it we arrived, the apartment complex was cute and small. Nothing much to it, and it seemed cozy just from looking at it from the outside. Harry handed me the keys before allowing me to walk up to the door and let myself in, I was in awe at the interior. It wasn't at all like what Harry showed me when we went through them together, sure it had the same baseline but the colors and style of furniture were all changed.

"Harry?" I turned to see the five of them smiling a bit as they walked in beside me.

"We all put our little dash of home in here, to remind you of us when we're gone." Louis shrugged before I felt my eyes begin to water, I blinked them away before looking around the apartment even more to avoid their eyes.

"Don't talk like that, I don't want to think of that right now. Just want to think of now, and right now you guys are  here with me and that's the way it's going to be for now." Niall hugged me tightly as I squeezed my eyes shut.
Wanting to block out the thought of being all alone, it made me hug Niall all that much tighter.

"It's absolutely beautiful you guys, it still kind of scares me how you know what I like down to the wire." They laughed before burying me in a group hug, their love suffocating me in the best way possible.

"Now excuse me lads, me and my daughter have some bonding time to do." They broke apart and frowned at Louis as I laughed.

"Go on, scat." Harry let out a sigh before rolling his eyes in a mocking manner. He hugged me before giving me a soft kiss on the lips, my cheeks blushing as he hugged me once again.

"You have a good time, love you." I replied with my lips pressed against his chin.

"I love you more." I murmured against his skin as he blushed as red as a cherry.

"Ugh shut up, I clearly love Alex more. You need to move over Styles, I was here first." Niall shoved Harry to the side before squeezing me tightly in one of his bone crushing hugs, I lightly shoved him off as the other bid me farewell. Leaving me and Louis alone in my brand new apartment, I couldn't help but look around more to get a better view that I already did.

Louis watched me with amusement, his smile never leaving his face as he slowly followed me and we sat on the large.

After several seconds of silence he finally spoke, "Well this is awkward." I elbowed him as he let out a laugh.

"Whatever, you can ask me anything you want you know. I don't mind it really." I placed my hand over his and he let out a loud sigh, I could tell he was struggling with what to say.

I knew that I would also struggle to answer the questions he would ask me, I just wished that everything was simple like it once was.

"To be honest, I don't know what to say." He answered as he squeezed my hand tightly. I gave him a small smile as I began to see his eyes water, he looked to our hands and let out another shaky breath of air while a small tear escaped from his eye.

"I just...didn't like the feeling of losing you. Felt like, a piece of my heart was taken with you when you went away. Almost seemed like I would never see you again." I scooted closer to him as I grabbed the box of tissues set on the coffee table, he took one gratefully and wiped his eyes. He still kept the tissue in his hand as he continued to speak, his hand never leaving my grasp in these moments.

"I couldn't imagine what you could have been through, what was going through your mind all that time. I knew you missed us like crazy, we missed you like crazy. And just when I get you back, you're torn away from me all over again." I knew instantly that he was talking about leaving for tour at the end of the week, tears coming to my own eyes as he broke down in front of me.

"W-when we were in the park that day, I held you in my arms for not even a minute. Just for seconds, and it wasn't enough. Every time that I look back on that day I knew it wasn't enough for me, I knew that I should have held you a little longer and little stronger. I never really got to cherish holding me in your arms, I took it for granted." I shook my head at him, opening my mouth to tell him that it was my fault. That none of this was his fault, that he didn't have anything to do with the incident in the first place.

"No! It was my fault, I should have told you that I loved you before I let you go. But I didn't, and I regret that every single day of my life." He wrapped his arms around me, almost strangling me. But I didn't mind, I need this. I wanted to be smothered with love before they left me, before they were whisked away from me in just days. He buried his face in my neck as he breathed deeply, trying to compose himself as we basked in the embrace of one another. I felt him breath normally as several minutes passed, he let out a deep breath as he pulled back. Wiping away the tear stains on his face his cheeks with his hands.

"Do you want to go to the park or something?" I chuckled at his remark before nodding and looping my arm in his. We walked out of my new apartment, letting out a sigh relief of him letting out what was stuck on his chest. Just one step closer to becoming the family we once were, and no one really knew how much that truly meant to me. But as we made our way to the park I couldn't help but notice the face of the man from the book store, and he gave me a wide crooked smile.


Hey, I know that nobody may be reading this at this time. I also apologize with how short this chapter is, I've been a bit under the weather lately and I feel that I have to at least get something out to you guys. I'll post longer and sooner as soon as I'm feeling better.

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