Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

"Where are we going? Seriously..." I said. Eddie turns to look at me and start telling me how Bill's brother went missing. So we are heading to the sewer to try and find him. I shivered at the thought of being in a gray water. No... I'm not a germaphobe like Eddie are... but that doesn't mean I didn't get disgusted. But oh well...

How bad can it be?

-Going to the Sewer-


We stop in front of an opening that leads inside a sewer. I cover my nose as I smell the strong stench. 'Okay... I change my mind... this is fucking gross' I thought to myself, feeling disgusted.

Bill and Richie walks inside the sewer. While Eddie, Stanley and I just stand outside. "That's poison ivy... that's poison ivy... and that's poison ivy" Stan said, pointing at various plants.

"Where's the poison ivy?" Eddie asked, looking a little nervous. "No where... relax" I said. "Yeah... not everything is poison ivy" Richie said. "Yeah... but my body is starting to get itchy" Eddie said. "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie asked. "Well... yeah... sometimes" Eddie said. "Then you probably have crabs" Richie said. "That's so gross!" Eddie said.

"Why are you guys so against his mother anyway? You too, Eddie..." I said, turning to look at him. They start to ramble about how she's so overprotective of Eddie and such. Honestly... I've had enough.

"Shut up!" I yelled. They jumped in fright as they instantly shuts up. They stare at me wide-eyed, seeming shock by my sudden outburst. I breathe heavily as I look at them in anger.

"You should consider yourself lucky, Eddie! You still have your mother. No matter how bad she can get... she is STILL your mother! I lost both of mine. So I can't help but envy you guys for having them. But you're doing nothing but complain about them! I'd do anything to have my parents back..." I said, tears streams down my cheeks. I move to a rock and sits down while crying softly.

Bill walks towards me and wraps his arms around my shoulder. "I-I'm s-sorry. I... w-we d-didn't m-mean to u-upset y-y-you..." he said, stuttering. I wipe my tears and looks away. "It's fine..." I said, in a hush tone. Bill stands up and walks inside the sewer again. Richie following behind him. Then he turns to look at us Eddie, Stanley and I.

"Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie said, turning to look at us. Eddie looks down at the water and shakes his head. "Nah ah... that's grey water" he said. "What the hell is grey water?" Richie asked. "It's basically... piss and shit! So I'm telling you now. You two are splashing around in hundreds of gallons of Derry's pee" he said, rambling. This guy is a whole level of a germaphobe.

I turn to Richie to see him dipping a stick on the water. Then he take a sniff. "Are you kidding me?" I said. He turns to look at us, more specifically at Eddie.

"It doesn't smell like caca to me, senor!" He said. I roll my eyes at his attempt to mimic a certain accent I don't even remember.

Eddie definitely isn't impress by his action. "Have you ever heard of staph infection??" He said. "Oh I'll show you staff infection" Richie said, picking up something from the water and toss it towards Eddie. Eddie shrieked and jumps out of the way. But the stuff got stuck on the plant.

"Are you fucking retarded??" Eddie said. Then they start to argue back and forth. I just shut out their arguments. When suddenly I hear splashing sound behind me.

I turn around to see a boy. He's covered in bruises and there's blood in his shirt. "Guys!" I yelled. The others turns to me, then to the boy. "What the fuck happen to you??" Richie said. The boy just look at us, then look down. We quickly runs over to help him.


We are currently on the way to the pharmacy to get medical supplies for the boy. Along the way, Eddie keeps on rambling about AIDS.

"You know... my mother's friend got it because she was helping a friend. She got it by a hangnail... a hangnail!!" He yelled. "That's her fault then" I said. He turns to look at me. I roll my eyes at the look of confusion in his eyes.

"Well... think about it, Eds... if she knows there's an AID outbreak going on... she should wear a pair of gloves to treat a wound. That's her fault for being so fucking careless" I said. "Y-You k-know s-s-she got a p-point" Bill said. Eddie just rolls his eyes at the two of us.

We enter an alley. They help the boy sit down on the wooden box. "R-Richie, stay h-here... c-c-come on g-guys" Bill said. "I'm going to stay here. I don't like the smell of pharmacy" I said. He nods his head and turn to leave. Eddie and Stanley follows him.

I lean my back against the wall. "It's nice to know you before you die" Richie said. "Beep beep, Richie" I said. He turns to look at me.

"Death isn't something to joke about..." I said. "S-Sorry..." he said, looking down. I turn to the boy. "What's your name?" I said. "Ben... Ben Hanscom" he said. I smile softly. "I'm Y/N... Y/N L/N... this trashmouth right here is Richie Tozier" I said. "I know..." he said, nodding his head. I just smile at him and turns to where the others runs of to see if they're back yet.

"I'm sorry to ask..." Ben start. I turn to look at him. "What is it?" I asked. "I heard from everyone that you're mute. But you're talking right now... so why did everyone have that impression on you?" he said. I bit my lips, not knowing whether I could tell him.

Then I let out a sigh. "I've been suffering from a deep trauma. So in short... I've been through a condition and it's called selective mutism..." I said. He hums in understanding.

"So... let me guess... this is Henry Bowers doing..." I said, gesturing towards his whole body. He nods his head. "Tch... typical..." I said, rolling my eyes. Those people never stop hurting others. I don't know how they get happy by hurting someone. Psychopaths.

I hear footsteps and turns to the direction. They run towards us. Eddie kneels down in front of Ben. He begin to treat his wound. I can see the word "H" on his stomach. I clench my hands into fists. How could someone do something so cruel! This makes me hate the Bowers gang even more.

"Ben from Socs?" I heard someone said. I turn my head to see a girl with red hair. Beverly Marsh. I've been hearing rumors about her. But that's all just a bunch of stupid rumors. She doesn't seem like that.

I glance at the bag she's carrying. She notice my gaze and hides it behind her back. But I can see a flash of it. It's a tampon. She's embarrassed about tampons. Yupp... she's definitely innocent.

"Are you okay? That looks like it hurts" she asked, looking at Ben in worry. "Yeah... I just fell..." Ben said. "Yeah! Right into Bowers" Richie said. "Shut up, Richie" Stan said. "What? It's the truth!" He said. I let out a sigh at his antics.

"Are you sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" She asked again. "W-We'll t-take c-care of him. T-Thanks a-again..." Bill said. He also invite her to the Quarry tomorrow. She smiles at him and turns to leave.

I hear Richie complaining about inviting her. "You heard what she do?" He said. "What did she do?" Stan said. "More like who'd she do. From what I've heard the list goes on longer than my wang!" He said. "That's not saying much..." Stan said. "T-Those a-are just r-rumors..." Bill said. "Yeah... especially seeing as she's embarrassed with that..." I said. "With what?" Richie asked. "None of your business" I said. Then he goes on talking about how Bill have her on a school drama and how they kiss.

"Now... pip-pip and tallyho my good fellow! I do believe this this chap needs our utmost attention! Get in there Dr. K... fix him up!" Richie said, pushing Eddie to Ben.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Einstein? Cause I know what I'm doing and I don't need you to go British guy on me-" before Eddie could finish his sentence, Richie cuts him off. "Suck the wound! Get in there!!" He said. Eddie just sighs and continue treating Ben's wound. While I try my best to stop laughing.

*to be continued*

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