Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

I walk back to my room once I'm done, wearing a much comfortable clothes. Then I flop myself on the bed and close my eyes, letting myself drift off to deep sleep.

-Bloody Bathroom-


I wake up to the sound of phone ringing. I let out a groan and cover my head. Then someone enter the room.

"Y/N... the phone call is for you..." my aunt said. I let out a sigh and sit up. "Okay..." I said. Then I get up from the bed and make my way over to the phone. I pick it up and place it on my ear.

"Hello?" I said. "Y/N?" The person said. "Beverly? Is that you?" I asked. "Yeah..." she said. "Why are you calling so early in the morning?" I asked, turning to look at the clock.

"Can you come to my house?" She said, I can hear the panic in her voice. "Why? What happened?" I said, feeling a little worried. "Just come! Please... I really need comfort from my friends. I've called the other boys. They said they'll come... but I need you. Since you're the only other girl in the group..." she said. "Alright... I'll be there... where's your house?" I asked. She told me her address.

"Okay... I'll see you soon..." I said. "Thank you, Y/N..." she said. "Anytime..." I said. Then I hang up the call. I place it back in its station and head back up to my room. I change my clothes.

I head downstairs and look for my aunt. "Auntie?" I called out. "In here, honey..." she said. I follow the sound of her voice. "I'm going to my friend's house" I said. "Alright... have fun, sweetie..." she said. I smile and give her a quick hug. "Bye bye!" I said, waving at her. Then I walk out of the house. I get on my bike and start riding towards Beverly's house.


"Finally... you guys are here!" Beverly said, as soon as she sees us. I stop in at the very back. I lean my body weight on the bike handle bar.

"So? Why'd you call us over so early?" I asked. "I just wanna show you guys something..." she said. "More than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie said. "Shut up, Richie! Just shut up" Eddie yelled, while I just roll my eyes.

"My dad is going to kill me if he knows I let guys in the house..." she said. "W-We'll h-have a look o-out. R-Richie... s-s-stay here" Bill said. "Wow wow wow! What if her dad comes back??" Richie said, as the rest of us makes our way to the stairs.

"Do what you always do! Start talking!!" Stan said. "It is a gift!" He said, defensively. I giggle and enter Beverly's house with the rest of them.

I notice she's leading us to the bathroom. "Why are you leading us to your bathroom?" I asked. "You'll see..." she said. Eddie starts rambling about what usually happened in the bathroom along with the germs.

Beverly opens the door to reveal a bathroom full of blood. Not a single spot left out without blood. My eyes widened at the sight. My mind starts flashing back to the day I lost my parents. All the blood rushing out of dad's bullet wound. Along with all the blood flowing out of mom's face. I start to breathe heavily as I take a couple of steps backward.

"Y-Y/N? W-What's wrong?" Bill said as he notice my sudden change of behavior. My knees gave out as I kneel on the floor. My whole body shaking violently.

"Y/N?" Beverly said, kneeling down in front of me. Eddie is next to her. "Follow my breathing, Y/N..." he said. I look at him weakly and follow his lead on breathing. After a few deep breaths, I finally start to calm down.

"Are you scared of blood?" Beverly said. I just nod my head, still not trusting my voice. "T-Take h-her out... s-she could j-just wait w-with R-Richie... the rest o-of us n-needs to c-clean it... we c-can't l-leave it like t-this..." Bill said. The others just nods their heads.

"Come on, Y/N..." Stan said, helping me stand up. Then he escorts me out of the house. I make my way to my bike and sit down. I keep my eyes on trained on the ground.

"What's wrong with her? She looks like she's seen a ghost" Richie said, looking at with a worry face. Stan leans towards his ear to whisper. "Oh..." Richie said, looking at me in worry. Stan pat my back softly, then he went back inside to help the others clean.

There's a few moment of silence. But Richie breaks it. "Are you okay now, Y/N?" Richie asked. I smile weakly at him. "I'm fine, Richie..." I said. He moves closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I just lean my head against his shoulder. For the first time after years... I don't mind being in a presence of others.

Richie P.O.V

I can't imagine going through what Y/N have been through. Losing both of her parents tragically. Then grow up with the trauma. She's such a strong girl.

I take a glance at her as she leans her head against my shoulder. She have her eyes close as she breathe softly. 'Is she asleep?' I thought to myself as I stare at her.

I've never realize how beautiful she's actually is. She is really beautiful. I can feel my heart skips a beat. I place my hand on my chest. "W-What was t-that?" I said to myself.


I can hear Richie mumbling to himself. I open my eyes. "What's wrong, Richie?" I asked, removing my head from his shoulder to look at him.

"I-It's n-nothing..." he said, I can see how nervous he looks. "Why are you stuttering? That's Bill's job..." I said. He looks away from me. I can see his voice turning slightly pink. I start to laugh, knowing that he's getting flustered.

I poke his cheek softly. "Are you blushing?" I asked. His cheeks turning even redder. I burst out laughing even harder. "Richie Tozier is blushing!!" I said. I giggle softly at him.

'He's kinda cute... wait what the fuck am I thinking?' I thought to myself. I couldn't possibly like him or...

do I?

*to be continued*

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