Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

'He's kinda cute... wait what the fuck am I thinking?' I thought to myself. I couldn't possibly like him or...

do I?

-Rock War!-


"What take them so long??" Richie said, groaning. I let out a sigh and turn to look at him. "Patience will you?? It's not easy to clean blood. Some of it would probably stain..." I said. He lets out a huff. I giggle softly. 

I hear footsteps and turn my head to see they are all walking out. "Finally!!" Richie said. They all look at him, then at me. "The usual... he's been complaining that you guys are taking too long..." I said, shrugging my shoulders. They roll their eyes, knowing Richie has always been like that.

We grab our back, deciding to walk for a bit. But I think Richie have different plan. He starts circling around us.

"Look! I love being your personal doorman, really. Could you idiots take any longer??" He said. I let out a sigh as he keeps circling around us. "Shut up!!" I hear Eddie yelled. "Yeah! Shut up, Richie!" Stan said too.

"Oh... okay... trash the trashmouth... I get it. Hey! I'm not the one imagining the sink going on Eddie's mom Vagina on Halloween" he said. "That's gross, Richie! And stop circling around us! You're making me dizzy!" I yelled. He slows down and stops next to me.

"Sorry..." he said, mumbling softly. "S-She's n-not i-imagining things... I-I s-saw something t-too..." Bill said. "You saw blood too?" Eddie asked. "N-No... I-I s-saw G-Georgie. It w-was s-so r-r-real... then t-t-there is t-this..." he said. "Clown... yeah... I saw him too..." Eddie said. I nod my head "me too..." I said. I look around to see everyone nodding their heads.

"Can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing it??" Richie said. I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah, right... you probably haven't even had your first kiss yet" I said, rolling my eyes at his comment. I turn my head to see a car.

"Guys... look" I said. They turn their heads to where I'm pointing. "Shit... that's Belch Huggin's car. We should probably get out of here..." Eddie said. "Isn't that the homeschool kid's bike?" Beverly said. I turn to where she's pointing.

"Yeah... it's Mike... we should help him" I said. "W-We should?" Richie stuttered. "Yeah!!" I said. I drop my bike and starts running. I can hear the rest doing the same.

I hide behind the bush to see what's going on. Henry is pushing Mike's face on a minced meat. Then he picks him up and sit on him. He grabs a rock to hit him.

I let out a growl and grab a rock. Before he could hit Mike, I throw him with my whole strength. Hitting him square in the face. He falls from Mike's body.

Mike instantly crawls over to us. "Nice throw, Y/N..." Stan said. I smile at him and turn my attention back to the bullies. Henry stands up when he sees me. "I see you're still hanging out the mute girl" he said. He smirks even more when he sees Beverly.

"And you guys are trying so hard. She'll do you... you just gotta ask nicely. Like I did..." he said, grabbing his crotch. Then he turns to me and wink. "And what about you, mute? Wanna have some fun with me?" He said, winking at me.

"Who the fuck are you calling mute, you dick head?" I spat. He looks at me wide-eyed. "You can talk..." he said. "Obviously I can... just not to a piece of trash like you" I said, crossing my arms across my chest. "You will pay for that! You're probably just another slut" he said. I hear scream next to me and then my head. Richie grabs a rock and throw it at him.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled. Then we start throwing rocks at each other. "Rock war!!!" Richie yelled, only to get hit by the rock. I laugh at him and continue to throw the rock at the bullies.

Soon the two friends rans off. "Wow... would you look at that? We might be a bunch losers. But our bond is stronger than yours. Look at how your two goonies abandoned you. Who's the loser now, you dick?" I said, smirking at him. I turn and give high five to the others. I smirk at Henry one more time. He looks down in shame.

"Go blow your dad... you mullet wearing asshole!!" Richie yelled, showing him two middle fingers. I did the same. We laugh and high five each other. Then we walk away.

"Thanks for saving me guys. But you shouldn't have done that. Now he's going to be after you" Mike said as we walk back to wear we drop our bike. "Bowers? He's already after us..." Eddie said. "Yeah... I-I think t-that is t-the one thing we h-h-have in common... w-well... e-except for Y-Y/N..." Bill said. Mike looks at him with a surprise face. "Oh yeah? How?" He said. "Y/N knows how to fight..." Stan said. "Yeah... she stood up for us when the Bowers picked on us at the beginning of Summer. She have been with us ever since..." Richie said, smiling at me. I smile back at him.

"Losers stick together... right Bill?" I said, turning to look at Bill and he smiles at me, nodding his head. "If the bullies did not pick on you... I don't think that makes you a loser, Y/N..." Eddie said, turning to look at me. I just shrug my shoulders.

"Well... I'm here with you guys because I wanted to. Plus... I never see you guys as losers anyway. You guys are the people I trust most. Especially since..." I paused. Mike and Beverly looks at me in confusion, since they were the only ones that doesn't know my past. I give them a painful smile. Eddie helps me tell them.

"Oh... I'm sorry you have to go through that, Y/N..." Mike said. Beverly gives me a side hug. I smile at them. I always felt genuinely happy being around them. Now I have new friends. Mike and Beverly. I can finally be myself again... and it's all thanks to them.

*to be continued*

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