Z-20 : Start of the Play

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Lisa Pov

The President's moves are so reckless that maybe he is thinking that all the people here in South Korea are dumb. We're going to play with you, Mr. President, and you won't be able to stop us.

"Listen up everyone!" I excitedly said

"What is it? Liz, why are you so excited? " Bam asked.

"Because I already know what the government is plotting. We need to prepare the things we might need as soon as possible."

"Spill the tea Lisa." Seul ordered.

"The President makes a group of people. That's why they rescue their priorities. As you can see in this background of people, some of them are retired soldiers, police, doctors, engineers, and smart people. 

Presidents prioritize people who have useful skills, abilities, or even a talent. They rescue the students so that they can aid in the discovery of a cure. In short, if you are smart or talented, you will be rescued, but if not, you will wait a long time. 

You know, normal people always demand answers. They are also a burden and a pain in the ass. They always complain that they are last on the rescue list. "

"What is the use of retired soldiers?" Seul asked.

"They will be training new soldiers."

"Who are they going to train?"

"Us." I pointed at us that made them all shocked.

"What do you mean by us?" Nayeon asked.

"We are all young, we learn easily, and we will not have a hard time training us. Even if they train us for years, we are just about in our mid 20s and we are still strong, energetic, and fast."

"So, are they going to collect us?"


"How about some family members?"

"They will separate the young ones from the old ones. That's why they found some engineers who were going to build another safe place."

"The President is really something." Chu uttered and I nodded.

"It's actually a wise move and quite selfish at the same time, because while we're on the battlefield; the doctors, chemists, and anyone else involved in that field will be working on a cure. However, both chaos and rescue mission might take awhile."

"It's hard to sink all of that." Bam massaged his forehead. "How did you even know all of that?"

"Simple! Observation and evidence Connect all the dots and voila! You have the answers."

"What is the plan now?" Kookie asked.

I inverted my gaze at Rosie and Jennie and said, "That will be Chaeng and Jennie's duty."

"What!?" They said it in sync.

"Both of you will be the ones planning." I stated as I laugh at their reaction in my thoughts.

"Why would we?" Chaeng asked, looking confused.

"Chaeng is the idea bank and Jennie is the brain."

"What do you mean, dumbass?" Jennie asked that made me heaved a sigh.

"You two click with each other. Rosie always had good, helpful ideas. She is a good thinker and very clever. While you, Jennie, are the brain, you make decisions wisely. You are a good leader because you are very observant, strong-minded, and smart. The two of you have a connection. That's why I want the two of you to make a plan".

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