Z-35: Bonding

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Jennie Pov

The Arkin Berserkers and Shadow Warrior will be going outside tomorrow. It makes me worried because we don't know what might happen to them outside.

Lisa didn't even want real soldiers to be with them. She thinks that they will be a burden and that they can make them slow.

This woman never fails to make me worried.

I don't know what Lisa's plan is. I ca read what is on her mind. She chose to hide all of the things she knew to herself. I know she knows something. I'm just waiting for her to reveal it.

"Jennie!" Irene's unnie snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Are you OK?" She asked me worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking of something."

"Can you share it with me?"

"It's about Lisa."

"What's wrong with her?"

"I feel like she is hiding something."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, but I feel there is something about her."

"You've been reading her mind and watching her moves, right?" I looked at her.


"Obviously, Lisa is not like an average normal person. You can say that she is smarter than us. She can easily read our movements; she can easily read us, and she is good at predicting things."

"So I'm not the only one who is observing her." She nodded.

"I'm not the type of person who follows someone else's command. When I observe, she is fearless, she is willing to do everything to keep us safe, and she is always right. I saw her true intention, which was to keep us safe. That's why I trusted her."

"I'm scared of losing her." I mumbled, but Irene unnie heard it.

"Me too, Jen. By the way, what's the real deal between you two?" She asked something that made me immediately blush.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't lie to me, Jen, did you two kiss already?"

"Ye-yeah," I stuttered.

"For real?" I nodded. "When?"

"After I talked to the committee, she waited for me in front of headquarters. She gave me a piggyback ride because my heels were killing me. When we arrived at the dorm, I asked her to lie on the bed with me. Then, I confessed, and she felt the same. We kissed."

Wow! It's like a kdrama, isn't it? " She teased me. "Peck or with the tongue?"


"What?" She asked innocently. "I'm just asking."

"The second one."

"With tongue? Did she suck it?"

"Unnie! TMI! " As I walked away from her, as I walked away from her, I heard her laugh.

I sat next to Rosie, and we'll be spending the night on the headquarters' rooftop.

"What happened to you, Jennie unnie?" Rosie asked me worriedly. "Your face is red. Do you have a fever?"

"No, it's just hot. That's why."

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