Z-40: Letter

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Jennie Pov

Ever since Dr. Lee told us that Lisa was the antibody, he immediately made a cure. The cure was called Project C, and the letter C stood for "cure." 

Lisa was still unconscious. No one knew when she would wake up. We are still waiting for her to come back, and I hope she will come back to us. I can't bear not to see her for a long time. She is our strength and if we lose her we might lose ourselves too.

J-hope was already fine; his wound is slowly healing. He is also with us, helping to inject the cure into the zombies.

It's been 4 weeks since we started the medical mission. It's difficult because we capture and imprison the zombies before injecting them with the cure. However, the cure can turn a zombie into a human in four hours, which is good.

We are currently in a tent right now. We are resting because we have been working for 11 hours straight and we are pretty tired.

"GUYS!! I saw something!" Kook exclaimed, and he was holding a box.

"What was that?" Chu asked him.

"It's written Pranpriya here. It means it's Lisa's things since her second name is Pranpriya." Kook answered.

"Where did you see it?" I asked.

"Mr. Kang actually handed it to me. He said that Lisa asked him a favor to give this to us if something bad happened to her." Kook sat on the floor.

"Did you already open it?"

"No, I haven't. Let's open it and check what is inside." We made a circle and he opened it. It has her camera and a flashdrive.

"Irene unnie, can we use your laptop to see what's inside the flashdrive?" Irene unnie grabbed her laptop.

"Kook, give me that USB." Kook handed it to Irene unnie. She inserted it into her laptop and then we saw a file with names on it.

"It has a passcode." Irene started typing something on her laptop. "She wants us to guess it without hacking. She gave us a clue. "

"How did you know?" Bam asked her.

"She is a smartass, I can't hack it. Look in the box. Maybe there is something in there. " We checked the box, and Rosie removed the camera.

"It has something below." Kun said, and he removed the styrofoam. There is a paper on it.

To: All of my friends.

      Annyeong! How are you guys? Are you all doing great? Don't be sad, guys, and keep smiling. Arkin is just resting somewhere, so don't cry or be sad. Thank you for always being there for me. You guys gave me strength and power. You guys are the only reason why I'm fighting. I want to protect all of you, so I chose to risk my life. I know I had promised that I was not going to do that again, but I also told you that I might do that again because I really want to protect all of you.

 Don't blame yourselves, guys. I'm fine and I also want all of you to be fine. We didn't want something like this to happen. No one should get blamed because of this. I know that Mr. Lee didn't mean to do this apocalypse, but his anger just ate him. He is not a heartless person and I'm sure about that. He just can't believe that all his hard work is gone to waste.

Sorry guys if I didn't keep my promises, but I will do that here in paradise or in another life. Sorry if I can't protect all of you now. I'm really sorry. Also, I want you guys to protect each other, especially our maknae, Ella. Look after her and protect her for me. You guys are her new protectors now. If she finds me, you can tell her that I'm meeting her dad and I'm hanging out with him.

Project ZOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora