106 - Dungeon..?

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Vajra Elephant
Level : Ninth-Level Tier-9
Affinity : Metal
Type : Beast/Elephant
Rank : Holy
Potential : Divine 
Description : A beast known to have a golden, unbreakable vajra body. In addition to its great defense, Vajra Elephant also have a terrifying strength.

Ice Jade Ship [Monarch-Rank Equipment]
Affinity : Ice
Potential : Holy
Equipment Skills : Levitate, Liquid Ice Barrier, Speed Enhancement, Ice Cannon, Steady, Wind Barrier, Spirit Gathering and Energy Storage

[Passive] : Always remain in the air.
[Active] : By sending an corresponding amount of energy, control the height of ship's flotation.

Liquid Ice Barrier [Active]
Cover the whole ship with liquefied but very solid ice. The barrier can reduce damage cause by physical attack.

Speed Enhancement [Passive]
Depending on richness and purity of spiritual stone used as a fuel, increase the speed of Ice Jade Ship.

Ice Cannons [Active]
There were ten cannons installed in the ship. They were refined using as the ship's body original material which attacks with the same bone chilling coldness of Thousand Years Old Arctic Ice.

Steady [Passive]
The situation inside the ship will remain stable.

Wind Barrier [Passive]
The whole ship was always covered with invisible barrier that blocks wind currents and other nature's natural phenomenon.

Spirit Gathering and Energy Storage [Passive]
The Ice Jade Ship absorbs the spiritual energy in the surrounding which will then stored at the ship's main control room.

Needless to say, the moment Cole step on the ship, his eyes didn't stop on wondering and check every nooks and cranny of it. Of course, what he focus on more was the massive ship they were boarding and the Vajra Elephant who reduce its size to a size of normal elephant from earth.

The Ice Jade Ship, just like it's name implies, was a made entirely of ice. And according to what his [Heavenly Eyes] said, this ship was made from a thousand years old arctic ice, which is kind of amazing to hear for him who originates from earth. However, eventhough it said that thousand years old arctic ice could inflict a bone seeping coldness, the temperature inside the ship was just right; definitely not warm but not cold enough that could freeze a cultivator to death. Definitely, the Cold Jade Palace adjust the temperature of the ship.

Amazingly, the sects who owns this Ice Jade Ship, the Cold Jade Palace, was a sect compose of many beautiful girls, at least, that's what he could said about the one inside the ship. Although he have yet to see an ugly cultivator, since cultivation enhance beauty due to cleansing from inside and out, the Ice Jade Palace members seems to be magnified by few folds.

Disciples and protectors alike, all those girls have a sword strap in their waist. It seems that in addition to cultivating an ice attributed cultivation method, Cold Jade Palace also majored on cultivating the way of the sword. And by just looking at their graceful but cold bearings, it was without a doubt the same with their cultivation arts.

And with his [Heavenly Eyes], he could see all the rank, skills, or literally everything about their equipments and weapons, and it was the same for others.

For instance, could tell that Ice Jade Palace was garb from head to toe with ice attributed equipments and weapons, which is the exact opposite of Nine Yang Sect who was covered with Yang attributed equipment and weapons.

In fact, the men from Nine Yang Sect was the main source of heat in the ship. They were practically a human heater. Probably because of element attribute repulsion, the body of every people from Nine Yang Sect produce an heat to fully keep out the cold.

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