65 - Continuous Breakthroughs, Nascent Soul-Stage

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After Cole recovered from his excitement, he immediately started his long-term cultivation. Fortunately, with the scent of the Mind Calming Grass in the surrounding, the unwanted thoughts and distractions vanish almost instantly.

When he enter the cultivation trance, he run the [Dantian Genesis Cultivation Method] and the rich Heaven and Earth Energy from the Spiritual Spring flows towards Cole's meridian with a steady flow like a calm river.

He don't know the difference between the outside world and [Inner World] that makes the flow of the energy greatly different. Like on the outside, even without the [Messiah Tree Martial Spirit Skill : Breakthrough Aid], the energy that flows through him brought a little pain but inside the [Inner World], there is no such pain. It was very smooth that it brought and gave him comfort.

What is the difference between them? Was it because outside he absorb all kinds of energy that have a small incompatibility and therefore collides? While the [Inner World] only have one kind, attributeless energy?

Nevertheless, whatever the reason behind it, it just further prove that the [Inner World] is getting better than the outside world. Well, not as the whole but maybe much better than the Low Lands that only have a small amount of energies.

The rich energy from Spiritual Spring continue to flow and absorb by Cole. Also, one of the good thing detected is that the energy only pass his six colored sun, which later called by him as the Refinement Sun, and just like the name stated, it filters and refine energy to the purest form possible. This means that the energy from the Spiritual Spring is pure and almost untainted by impurities. It greatly hasten his speed of absorption.

This time, since Cole is facing a problem regarding with Space, he focus all the absorbed and refined energy into the his Space-Core.

However, two days later, eventhough he felt that his Space-Core are already full to brim and should already make a breakthrough, it did not. It was as though it was restricted by some kind of hidden restriction, which Cole didn't have any idea about. It seems that he have yet to master his Solar Formation System.

But he still continue on sending energy towards the Space-Core. He don't know what restriction it blocks to have a breakthrough but he knew that he'll trigger some kind of reaction which will solve his current predicament.

Just as he thought, five hours later, the Space-Core can't receive more energy. As he expected, he did encounter the strange reaction he was waiting for; all of the energy that he is directing to his Space-Core directed back and absorbed by the center of the Refinement Sun, where his Wood-Core preside.

One day later, with full of momentum, along with the assistance of [Messiah Tree Martial Spirit, Breakthrough Aid], his Wood-Core finally made a breakthrough and enter the Second-Level of Core Formation Stage.

And the very after the process finished, his Space-Core immediately follow and also enter the Second-Level of Core Formation Stage.

After this process, Cole conclude that as the center of his Solar Formation System, the Wood-Core should be the most powerful. Other Cores or his affinities can't exceed the level of it, which also means that he have to prioritize the growth of his Wood-Core among many others.

Knowing this crucial rule, Cole set aside the other elements and decided to improve his Wood-Core and Space-Core first.

Without any more thoughts and distraction, Cole fully focus on his cultivation.

One month later, his Wood-Core level-up to Third-Level. Three months for Fourth-Level, seven months for Fifth-Level... By the time his Wood-Core reach the peak of Ninth-Level, it was four years later. He only stop when the Wood-Core won't receive any more energy.

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