194 - Fire Ring Yellow Monarch Bee

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On the other hand, both the Mana Gathering, Core Formation and Nascent Soul is the stage where cultivators needs to absorb spiritual energy into their body, core and nascent soul afterwards. Cole only need to create a meditation room with different amount of concentrated energy appropriate for the three stages.

With Summoning Grimoire's [Creation Magic], Cole only needs to provide the materials needed and he can easily create the cultivation ground.

Only, this cultivation spot is something that is important for the whole city. Although it can be easily created, Cole still need to consider some things like where he would place them.

Since the Bestial Blood Refining Pool is supposed to be appropriate for Body Tempering, Cole will make it available for them. In the end, he created 10 Normal-Rank Bestial Blood Refining Pool with three different concentration, three pool each, with weak, medium and heavy bestial blood concentration that is appropriate for early, mid and late level of Body Tempering-Stage. As for the last one, it was the full powered Normal-Rank Bestial Blood Refining Pool which is appropriate to be used by peak Body Tempering-Stage. It is also appropriate for preparing  for breakthrough to Mana Gathering-Stage.

He then create three pools for Mana Gathering and two for Core Formation Stage. The decreasing number is not because of lack of resources but because it wasn't something that is freely available and also because of lack of space for them.

He created the several Bestial Blood Refining Pool in the nearby mountain which was known as Sleeping Turtle Mountain because its looks like a turtle shell in the distance. It was such a simple name. And he didn't create it on the outside but underground.

On the top of the mountain, he then transplant several Mana Gathering Tree which would attract and concentrate the spiritual energy thickness of the place. He remove all the excess tree as to provide the needed space for meditation and transplant some spiritual plant that will help to improve the vibe of the place. He then top it with simple sealing formation that would ensure that the spiritual energy in the place won't disperse in the surrounding area.

The design of the place is the closer to the top of the mountain, the greater the concentration of the spiritual energy. Depending on their stage and level, his subordinates can come deeper on the mountain where the concentration of the spiritual energy is more richer.

So as not to depend just on the spiritual energy of the world, Cole also created a lake on top of the mountain and fill it with spiritual water he acquire from the Forgotten Garden Dungeon scenario.

By the time evening arrived, Cole successfully created cultivation spot and ground for his subordinate appropriate for Body Tempering, Mana Gathering and Core Formation. And since this place where meant for his internal force, he didn't create some for Nascent Soul stage as it have yet to acquire a member of this level except for Fernan who was its leader, and he was already a Void Sensing-Stage expert.

For the meantime, all the Nascent Soul-Stage expert present in his territory are those who have the qualification to enter the [Inner World].

Cole felt a little accomplished after he finished his task. Afterwards, he call Fernan and inform him about the things he created as it was something that he also need to manage.

He don't really need to manage it himself as he'll be busy on dungeon diving but he can call for his subordinate and start to create a working system for Bureau of Internal Force and Management.

In the first place, he plan to make his trusted subordinates to become the figurehead of important department in the nation but it needs to operate without the always needs of their presence.

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