114 - Netherworld Ghost Flag

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At first, Cole thought that he's only seeing things but when there's a information that pops out of the shadow, he knew that there's a person hiding in there!

And that information that appears are very scary!

Netherworld Ghost Flag [Holy|Damaged]
Affinity : Yin/Soul
Potential : True
Equipment Skills : Ghost City, Moat of Despond, Yin Fog, Soul Gathering, Ghost Refine, Malicious Infection, Soul Pearl, Cry of Despair, Gate of the Netherworld (Sealed)
[Note : [Damaged] After recieving a deathly blow of continuous attack, the formation and internal part of the equipment recieve a devastating damage, making the original Divine-Rank equipment fall to Holy-Rank. The ghost inside the Ghost City have become more violent and hard to command. To repair, the equipment needs... To level up to True-Rank, the equipment needs...]

After reading this given description, he remember the possessed lady of Ice Jade Palace... Without a doubt, this hidden person have something to do with that! Or maybe an accomplice! Needless to say, he's not an innocent person.

When Cole look at his direction for long time with sharp gaze, he knew that his superb stealth skills have no use for him. Whispering, he muttered, "Interesting..." and he reveal himself.

Cole already have his guard all up the moment he read the given description of obscured equipment. Still, he was caught off guard by the new person, not because he look extremely ugly as he thought but the exact opposite instead!

The newly revealed young man, exactly the one who holds that overpowered ghost flag, was the exact example of devilish handsome man!

It's no wonder people said that a villian was as handsome as male leads, if not higher!

However, it was due to the man's extreme beautifulness that makes Cole more guard up. One should know that in nature's rules, the more beautiful the creature was the deadlier they are! Add to the fact that the other one holds a very powerful demonic artifact.

He already anticipated this kind of scenario, after all, even him will think that there's a very precious item born when a simultaneous tribulation happen. This man's presence was no surprise for him.

Trying to sound as normal as possible, he ask the young man, "What do you want?" Cole even try not to look at the flag the man holds.

The young man look at Cole for a whole second before smiling beautifully, that if he don't have an ounce of idea about this man's identity, he'll think that he's innocent as he smiles.

"Me? What do I want?" The man wonders with playful tone as he look at Cole in the eyes straight.

The devilish, handsome young man inhale deeply as though he smell a very addictive fragrance. He even licked his lips seductively before opening his eyes and look at Cole again, "I want you."

The young man, as though he's a ghost himself, walks in the air and started to shorten the distance between him and Cole, "You have the most pure soul I have ever encounter. It smells extremely satisfying..."

No matter how pleasing the other party to his eyes, Cole still can't help but step back when he looks at him with his pervert gaze.

After seeing the Netherworld Ghost Flag, despite being damaged and downgraded to Holy-Rank, Cole could still see that this devilishly handsome man should be someone important, probably the same status as Lady Scarlet of Holy Beast Mountain.

Doing it as silent as possible, he covered himself, Celia and Greeny with [Atmospheric Barrier], which he recieved from Shelly's [Concept]. Although [Atmospheric Barrier] don't have powerful defensive abilities but more like sealing abilities, it was still better than nothing knowing that the person in front of him was a ruthless kind. His kind won't be called demonic cultivator for nothing.

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