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Messing and taping each other

"Hey, Love" Harry says as he walks into the living room.

"Hey" Louis mumbles as he looks through a magazine, on the couch with his glasses on.

"Hey" Harry tries to mimick Louis' voice  (high pitch) in a emotionless way.

"What, I don't talk like that" Louis defends himself.

"Of course you do"

"Of course you do" Louis mocks in a low voice.

"That is not how I talk"

"Of course it is"

They continuously mock each other, laughing at the end.


Baby doesn't like tickles

Harry goes into the kitchen, grabbing the kettle and filling it with warm water before placing it on the stove, turning the knob to low.

He opens the cabinet, reaching the unopened box of tea bag, turning it to read the back.

Louis then walks in, sneaking behind Harry, tickling him.

"Ah stop Louis, don't do that"

"Aw baby doesn't like to be tickled" Louis cooed.

"No baby doesn't like to be tickled" Harry points out.

Louis then slaps Harry's torso, right above his crotch before making a run for it.

"Hey!" Harry runs after him, eventually catching him.

Twirling around with Louis in his arms, he threw him on the couch. Louis laughing his ass off, Harry as well.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


Curious finger

Louis and Harry laid in bed, cuddling close to each other as the put all their focus on their phone.

Harry looks up at Louis making sure he wasn't paying attention before clicking the camera icon, hitting record. He reaches up to Louis' nose, trying to put it in.

Louis moves Harry's hand away before going back to his phone.

Harry then goes for round two, tongue sticking out from the corner of his mouth. "Stop it, Harry" Louis whines shifting his head away.

Harry then does it on more time. "Harry" Louis bites his finger, Harry squeals, pulling his finger away, both laughing.

He then stops recording, pecking Louis' lips, both saying 'I love you' before putting all their attention to their phone.

Harry posts the video on twitter, tweeting 'curious finger' doing the same with Facebook,Snapchat,instagram (15secs), and other social media.

Within seconds the video was trending, people fangirling or over the fact that, that was the first really video of them together, they had posted. (They don't posts things like pictures or videos of them)



This time it was Niall who posted a video of Louis and Harry. Louis messing around with Harry.

Niall is on his phone, on Instagram. When Harry comes in, with his hair gelled back and looking fresh. Thats when he decides to video tape.

"How do I look?" Harry questions, buttoning the bottom four buttons.

"You look good" Niall compliments him, giving him a small smile.

"Oi! Baby you look hanny!" Louis gasped.

Harry and Niall laughs, shaking their heads.

Harry was the one to reply, "that's not even a word!"

"No I'm sure it is" Louis answers.

They all laugh even harder. That's when the video ends. He posts it with the caption 'hanny?!'.

He got thousands of likes in seconds.



"Louis...m' gonna take a nap" Harry mumbled, shutting his eyes as he rest on Louis' shoulder.


After a couple of minutes, small snores came from Harry. Louis smirked taking out his phone, going to the camera icon.

He took various selfies with Harry sleeping on his shoulder. He then looks through them all, looking for the perfect picture to post on Instagram.

He finds one, posting it with the caption 'My lil sleepy head'

He then clicks on the notification, deciding to read the comments.


Aww oh my god so cute!


Harry looks so adorable sleeping.


OMG please post a video Louis!! Please please

Louis giggles at the last one, he should take a video. Louis thought for a second before getting a good idea for a video to post.

Lately when Harry is out cold, Louis would ask for a kiss, making small kissy noises into his ear and Harry would response by sleepily puckering his lip. Also, when Louis would say I love you to Harry, while he's sleeping, Harry would say 'I love you too' in a small whisper.

Louis gets the camera ready before hitting record.

"Kiss kiss" he softly chants in Harry s ear, making small kissy noises. He repeats the process again until Harry starts puckering his lips, Louis leans down, pecking his lips before stopping the video.

He posts it, writing as the caption 'kisses from sleepy head'.

He then gets the camera ready again, pressing record.

"I love you" he whispers into Harry's ear, pecking his cheek. He repeats himself.

"I love you too" Harry says in his sleep. Louis stops recording and posts the video on Instagram. '♥' was the caption.


Sex tape?

Harry pulls out of Louis going to the bathroom, to pee. He grabs his phone, pressing record.

He opens the door, walking towards the bed, where Louis laid naked, under the covers. "Louis"

"Hmm" Louis turns around, smiling when he sees Harry naked, with his phone.

"Oh god harry" Louis giggles covering his forehead with his arm. "You look beautiful!" Harry awed climbing on the bed hugging Louis.

"I love you, you love me?"

Louis nods his head "yes I love you so much"

Harry leans in, kissing Louis sweetly.

"Say bye, love"

"Bye bye" Louis then makes a funny face before Harry stops recording.

"You silly boy" Harry baby talked, Louis laughs.

To be continued...

Omg! This is a long one but its my favorite, I'm so proud. Anyway I hope you ejoyed it!


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Harry Styles | L.S [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now