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Tik Tok

8 weeks

"Hi Hazza, I missed you"

"Hey Lou Lou! I missed you too so much"

"How are things going?"

"Stressful but good, I have a meet and greet tomorrow in California"

"That's amazing!"

"Yeah it is. How are things at home?"

"Its fine, harry I have to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Harry so... I've been trying to-"

"Baby I'm so sorry, I gotta go my flight leaves in like 30 minutes. I'm sorry, I'll call you when I land, I love you"

"Yeah its fine I love you too, have a safe flight"


9 weeks

This time it was Harry's phone dying in the middle of Louis' sentence.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Um that, i-im 9-"

Thats when the line is cut off, leaving Louis fruastrated.

The clock was tiking, and time was wasting. It was like god didn't want Harry to know but he needs to, it's his baby.

Lois can't keep it a secret any longer, too much quilt and stress.


10 weeks

"Baby I really can't talk right now, I'm at an interview, I'll call you later"

He never did.


11 weeks

11 weeks. Louis was 11 weeks pregnant and Harry still doesn't know. 11 weeks of being pregnant. 11weeks of keeping it a secret. 11 weeks trying to tell Harry but is always interrupted.

This time Harry doesn't even pick up the phone for the whole day.

Lois was this close of losing hope, this close of giving up on trying to tell Harry and just not tell him at all.

But he still has a little hope left....

To be continued...


[277 words]

Harry Styles | L.S [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now