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Going on tour

Harry was going on tour today, he wanted Louis to come, since you can bring one person with you but Louis refused.

"No Harry, its fine, you go with someone else"

"Okay but the next tour, you are coming with me"

"Okay now hurry up, before you miss your flight"

"Okay okay, bye I love you so much... I'll call you when I land"

"Alright, I love you too"

Harry then leaves, Louis driving back home alone. He locks the front door, going upstairs to the bedroom and laid down on the bed, rubbing his aching stomach.

Groaning he gets up, going to the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat up. He starts to gag, puking out his breakfast.

When he was done, he wiped his mouth before brushing his teeth and going back to bed.

He felt sick, he had a fever, he felt nausea, his stomach hurts like hell, and he felt emotional. God what's happening to him.

Louis curls under the covers, wanting to taking a good long nap.


Louis jolts awake, running to the bathroom and puking his guts out again. This time Louis begins to tear up, he felt so weak and he doesn't know what the fuck he's crying.

Louis' phone then rings, groaning. He quickly cleans up, running to grab the phone.


"Louis? I just landed, are you okay?"

"Oh that great and yeah im f-"

Louis was cut off as he runs to the bathroom again and starts throwing up. He puts the phone on speaker.

"Oh god baby, I wish I was there to help you, I'm sorry"

"Its not your fault"

"Is it bad?"


"How bad?"

"Really bad" Louis whimpers.

"Oh fuck, I could call my mom or yours to take care of you"

"Just...call your mom, my mom is working today"

"Okay, I'll call you after I call her, I love you so much, Lou"

"I love you too, Hazza"

Harry hangs up the phone, dialing Anne's number.

Harry Styles | L.S [Book 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt