chapter two

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Song: stay with me by Sam smith

Sunshine hits my face as I open my eyes, I feel the space next me and Liam isn't there he must be down stairs with Katherine.

I sit up and bile rushes to my mouth, I run to the bathroom and I reach just in time to vomit into the toilet, I feel someone rub my back. I look up and see Katherine,the 65 year old British lady always had a warm feeling to hear."I heard what happened dear never in my life did I ever think I'd see the day Nickolas would hit a woman I'm so disappointed I've seen you suffer day in and out knowing you'll never have a child of your own and it pains me to see you go through this,if you leave then I'm coming with you I have no family I only had you, Nickolas and the young master Liam,but from today onwards I only have you and my boy Liam so wherever you go I shall", I hug her and sob really hard she doesn't know how much I needed that.

Katherine and I walk down stairs and head to the kitchen to have breakfast, I'll miss this house Nick and I created a lot of amazing memories and I can't bear living in the house he and I built together.

"Mom hurry up so we can eat Katherine made pancakes",my son runs up to me and gives me a hug,with Liam and Katherine by my side I know I will get through this.

Goerge walks in and tells me that Micheal who is Nick's friend and lawyer called and I'm expected at the company so the divorce can be finalized. After hearing those words I lose my appetite and try to get up but all of a sudden I feel dizzy and all I hear is Liam screaming for me before darkness consumes me.

I wake up to the beeping of machines and low whispers, I look around and I'm hooked to a drip and an IV, I begin panicking because I don't remember getting here and I can't see my son.

"Liam!", I shout and just then the door opens and a doctor and my father and mother walk in."what is going on and what are you two doing here?". My parents look at each other and I'm sure anyone would be surprised to hear me talk that way to my parents but they disowned we've not spoken for eight years.

"Mrs lunchester, you were brought here a few hours ago because you fainted, your husband was contacted but refused to show so we called your parents",the doctor says hearing that my husband refused to show up even after hearing that I'm in the hospital hurt."where's my son , where's Liam?", I ask .

" Your son is waiting outside with his nanny, you need to take care of yourself Mrs lunchester it's not healthy for you or your baby,you need to relax,eat healthy and avoid getting stressed,"he says but I don't hear the rest because he lost me when he said baby"wait doctor what baby?, I ask him he smiles and says" you're two months pregnant Mrs lunchester so you need to take very good care of yourself otherwise you'll harm the baby,now I'll just give you a prescription of some vitamins and other medicine that you need to take and we can discharge you , I'll be right back,"he says and leaves.

I'm let there shocked and I don't know how to feel maybe because I'm pregnant Nick can stay and we can be a family again.

My parents clear their throats and I'm cut from my thoughts,"honey oh how I've missed you I can as soon as I was called I always knew that Nick was a no good bastard but don't worry your father and I are with you",my mother hugs me and boy have I missed being in the embrace of my mother.

I break the hug and say" I appreciate you guys thanks and I've missed you guys so much but Nick and I are not getting divorced now that I'm pregnant he'll surely stay". My dad looks at me and says" No way am I letting you stay with that bastard, you think I don't see the hand print on your chick,he hit you lottie,he even cheated and had a child with some other woman, he's a no good son of a bitch!",he yells and I begin sobbing I know what he said is true but I don't want to believe it,I love him but nothing can justify the way he treated my son and I.

"I know dad and you're right but what can I do I'll lose my shares and everything", I say ." That's where I come in sweetheart we will sue him for adultery and he'll lose everything but if he doesn't want to lose all his properties he'll have to give you 20 percent of he's shares and compared to him you'll be the next largest shareholder compared to his 25 percent,Jared is planning on selling his shares and you're going to buy them you need to think of your children so you'll have a total of 35 percent shares",my dad says and I think deeply about it and he's really making sense.

"But I don't want to be CEO dad with my condition I might lose my child", I tell him.

" I'm not saying that you should be CEO I want you to have the shares they will someday come in handy you don't necessarily need to take part in the activities of the company we can hire a lawyer to do that but in the meantime you and my grandchildren are moving to Italy with your mom and I,I really missed you lottie and you don't know how happy I am that you and that bastard will no longer be together",he says and hugs me.

" I don't know dad but he really hurt my son and I, especially Liam he really loved him but you're right he is a bastard for the way he treated me and even though it's not going to be easy I'll try to forget and move on for the seck of my kids.

Just then the doctor walks in and Liam runs straight in with a panting Katherine chasing after him"mama the wouldn't let me see you I thought you'd leave like daddy",he hugs me tight and says. Katherine gives me an apologitic look and I give her a small smile. I know my son and if he wants something he'll find any means to get it and if he wanted to see me no one could manage to stop him.

I smile and give him a kiss"I told I would never leave you,I love you to the moon and back",my mom ,dad ,Liam and I finish the sentence together. And then Liam seems to notice the new faces in the room so I introduce them he's so happy to have other grandparents and he and my dad seem to bond immediately. Nick's parents never liked Liam because they knew he was adopted but I know my parents will spoil him rotten.

Liam is excited about the move to Italy,we are going to be staying at my parents vine yard and Liam can't wait to go horse back riding with his grandparents. I can't lie I'm excited as well my parents agreed to Katherine coming with us and I can't be happier.

I tell her to call Goerge and tell him and the other maids to begin packing all our things and burn all pictures that have Nick in them which is practically all of them. I need to start fresh after giving birth I'll be working on my father's vine as well and help produce wine. My parents make the best selling wine in all of Europe and Asia.

We go over to the hotel that my parents are staying in and have lunch with them,I really missed this." Are you going to tell him about the baby?", My mom asks and every one at the table looks at me. Liam and Katherine who seem lost ask what baby at the same time.

I smile at both of them and say to Liam"sweetie mom is having a baby and you'll have a little brother or sister",his eyes light up and he starts jumping up and down and comes to give me a born crashing hug then gets on my laps and says"I'm so happy I'll have some to play with and I'll teach her how to draw!". I laugh and raffle his hair.

I look at Katherine and she's smiling and looks like she is about to cry.

"About your question mom ,no I won't tell him ,he can continue and build his new family we don't need him I have all I need right at this table", and I see my dad smiling.

Katherine looks like she wants to say something but doesn't I know she respects my decision and won't say a thing to Nickolas as well.

I didn't feel like going home so we checked into the hotel my parents are staying at and I'll have George whatever they managed to pack and we'll stay here till we leave for Italy.

My parents and I stay up and watch movies and just catch up and it's the best day of my life. My life may be a mess but I know it will pass I have people that love me that are willing to help me and I have two kids to look after.

Nick you're an asshole and I hope one day you get raped by a rain deer,fuck you and fuck the bitch you were fucking.

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