chapter fourteen

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I wake up and get ready for work,I look at my bump in the mirror, I'm now six months pregnant.

Edward and I have been dating for three months now and the relationship between Luciano and I has been rocky, it's even weird that Liam calls him dad. But he'll grow out of it.

Luciano ignores me and we only talk if it's work related,but I don't know why he's mad when he went and slept with Giovanna.

The hormones ain't helping either, whenever I see him I just want a piece of the Italian Adonis, Edward isn't helpful whenever I make a move on him he says it just doesn't feel right. I can't help it I'm pregnant and horny. I'm tired of the dreams I have of Luciano.

I'm still upset he slept with Giovanna a few days ago but I know I have no right to.

I get ready and make my way down stairs.

"Are you ready to learn the gender of your baby",my mom literally sings. I smile and take a bite of my waffles.

"Yes mom, I'm so excited", I say.

"Liam and I hope it's a boy",Enzo says.

" I have a feeling it's a girl", Katherine and my mom say at the same time.

I just laugh as they start arguing. We drop Liam off and and we drive to the clinic fro my appointment.

"Are you excited, mommy",Enzo says imitating Liam.

" Yes I am and you're not helping",I say.

" Today is an awesome day, you're know the gender of your baby and I'm opening my new club",he says excitedly.

" But who's going to be my driver",I fake a pount.

We laugh and pull up. I make my way to the receptionist and she tells me my doctor is waiting. I changed doctors something about Edward can not date a patient.

My new doctor Carolyn is a kind and amazing soul."so Miss Biltran are you ready to know the gender of your baby?". She tells me to lay down and she brings out the machine she applys the cold jell on my tummy. "So there's your baby you can here the heartbeat and the gender of your baby is...…..................",she pauses.

" Oh come on Carolyn tell me already,I grab her by the collar and shake her a little" she laughs and rolls her eyes.

" You're having a girl congrats"she says and a few tears drop from my eyes because I knew I was having a girl, I've been buying pink clothes like crazy.

I say my goodbyes and I excitedly run into Enzo's arms

"Woah baby momma relax",I roll my eyes at him" I'm having a girl Enzo, I'm so happy",his eyes go wide and he kisses my forehead.

We drive to work and I just want to share the news with everyone. I reach the lobby and the guard, Nico offers me pink Rose's,I kiss his chick and kiss his cheek. "How did you know?",I ask and he says Enzo texted him. And now he owes him money.

I make my way to my office and I find Rose's, balloons and slot of gifts all in pink and all my workmates. They all offer me gifts for my baby and I'm not going to buy anything more because they practically everything I need ,they even got me a crib. We all have a little celebration and Enzo and Nico later join in. My parents and Liam later come as well. The only person missing is Edward.

I get off the phone with Edward,he told me he didn't know about any party, I'm sure Luciano made sure to not invite him.

I turn and bump into Luciano"hey thank you so much for the party,I really appreciate",I say and put a lock of hair behind my ear.

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