chapter forty two

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It's been a week and Luciano is still not awake, I sigh as I take a sip of my coffee, I look at Courtney who won't stop glaring at me as she sits across me , to her all this is a competition but I don't want to argue with her so I just keep quiet and tolerate her, I'm here for Luciano.

Nick's trial will be two weeks from now,I went to visit him once and I didn't tell anyone about it he really isn't doing well and even though I hate him and his a son of as bitch,I can't help but feel sorry for him,he gave me some of the happiest years of my life ,the time we dated in University,our wedding day and the first few years of our marriage. It's really sad and I hope I can shelter Mari from the truth and that she never finds out that he's her father, Luciano is her real father nobody else.

"Lotus",a hoarse voice calls out,he's awake" I'm right here my love, Courtney quick call the doctor said tell him Luciano is awake",I say to her .

" You go and tell him I'll stay here with my fiancee, I'm right here babe",she says and pushes me aside,I have no time to argue with her ,so I go ahead and call the doctor,he tells us to leave so he can examine him and I take this opportunity to call my parents and everyone else to tell them that Luciano is now awake and to bring the kids too.

After the doctor leaves, Courtney and I enter and Luciano calls out to me again, I'm so glad he's awake.

"Wow , Luciano I'm here too ,you almost died and the first thing that comes to your mind immediately you wake up is Lotus", Courtney says and Luciano's eyes fall on her.

She sighs and walks to his side" you still love her don't you, even though she doesn't deserve you ,I love you Luciano but you don't love me,I think it's best we don't get in each other's way",she says and removes her ring and places it in Luciano's hands.She then leaned down and softy kissed him.

"You're the woman that the man I love is in love with,but know one thing Lotus if you make the mistake of letting him go , I'll come and take him ,I wish the both of you the best luck and happiness, I'm really glad you're okay,if she stops valuing you ,you know where to find me Luciano",she says and gets up ,she smiles at me bitterly and walks out.

I sit next to him and he pulls me into his arms and kisses me,I accidentally touch his wound making him hiss.

"I'm sorry",I say"I'm really glad you're okay,I can't live without you,can we start over you and me and the kids",I say and he warmly smiles at me making my heart stop fro a moment,I love this gorgeous man.

"Ready when you are principessa",he says and kisses me again.

The door opens and a sweet little voice says " mommy, daddy ewww why are you kissing,does this mean we're going to have another baby brother or sister,I want a baby sister right Liam?",Mari says.

" Come here principessa", and she runs to him and I help her on the bed "Mari careful not to hurt your dad",I say. Luciano's gaze then turns to Liam who shyly stands at the door with everyone else."come here, didn't you miss me champ",and a smile shows on his face making Liam's face brighten as he comes in for a hug "I thought I'd never see you again",he whispers.

" No wonder you always wanted to stay here,so immediately he woke , you'd stick your tongue down each other's throats,I should have known", Giovanna laughs making everyone else laugh and me blush little a tomato, whatever did I do to meet a friend like her.

They ask where Courtney is and I explain what happened and that Luciano and I are back together, everyone is happy and the doctor said that Luciano can leave after three days.

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