chapter thirty two

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I watch as Luciano leaves,take the boys away from me ? Custody of them? I know his upset I never told him earlier but if he thinks I'll just sit here and watch he take them away. I'm sure we can work this out.

I hear a soft knock and Giovanna walks in " so did you guys talk", she asks.

"Yep and he says he wants full custody of the twins",I tell her and look at Angelo who has fallen asleep in my arms.

"Woah that's bad I'm sure he said that because he is upset ,you guys should talk after he calms down",she says and takes a sit next to me. She's right Luciano must know I'll never let my kids get raised by another woman. We'll have to come to an agreement.

The party ends and the guests leave and we help to clean up. After that I put Mari to bed and say goodnight to Liam. I check on the twins in the nursery,I leave them in the care of their nanny at night.

Dad and I have to go over some work ,after the embezzlement dad bought back the company together with Nick's shares and I got to keep my shares. The money was sent from the company's account into different accounts overseas so it's been had to trace it but out detectives are still working on it. We still have not been able to find the that lied to me. How can someone just varnish into thin air.

Just then our butler comes to the study and interrupts us "madam there's a call from the hospital Mr Enzo and Me Luciano were involved in an accident ",he says. And I rush and take the phone from him and speak to the police man on the phone, apparently they were driving while drinking and my number was the only one Luciano managed to give them before passing out.

My dad and I drive to the hospital,I hope he's okay I can't believe they'd both act so irresponsible. We get there and the nurse takes us to the room Luciano is staying in. I speak to the doctor and Luciano just dislocated his shoulder and has a not so serious head wound and Enzo broke his leg.

I honestly don't believe that grown men like them could act so carelessly. I check on both of them and they are still unconcious . My dad stays for some time and leaves but I choose to stay behind and watch over them ,so I spent the night on a chair in Luciano's room.

I wake and Luciano isn't awake yet so I go to get myself a cup of coffee and on my way there I check on Enzo who's also not awake.

I open the door and find Luciano wide awake. "Ahhh my head ",he squints his eyes and looks at me" what happened where's Enzo ",he continues.

" You were in an accident, I'll go call the doctor",I say and leave to call the doctor. He checks his wounds and a nurse comes in to change the dressing of his head wound. After that she leaves and the two of us sit there in silence. I clear my throat "Enzo is okay and just sustained a broken leg so you don't have to worry, emmm is you don't mind I can call you fiance for you and let her know what happened to you",I say and mentioning his fiance ties a knot around my throat.

He looks at me and thinks about it for a moment but decides against it ,he asks for my phone and makes a call to her himself honestly I'm glad he did it , otherwise what would I have even said to her.

After hanging up he hands the phone back to me and our fingers brush against each other and the brief contact makes my skin tingle.

"Thank you Lotus,for being her even though you didn't have to",he says and holds my hand in his. Sparks fly I don't know if he feels it too but he retreats his hand.

"It's okay,you don't have to thank me, your the father of my children I had to make sure you're okay",I say and step back just to creat some distance between us.

"Even though, I'm thankful",he says and gives me a smile and my heart skips a beat ,oh how I missed his smile.

Just then the door opens and Courtney walks in and goes straight to give Luciano a hug" oh my goodness baby ,how did this happen,if something happened to you I don't know what I would have done",she says and gives him a kiss. I clear my throat and she seems to notice me standing there. She looks at Luciano and glares back at me "what is she doing here?",she asks.

"Last night when they asked if I had any relatives the only number I remembered was lotus' so she rushed to take care of me", Luciano tells her.

She stresses a smile and looks at me " thank you Lotus but I'll take it from here,you can leave",she says.

" Hey what's wrong with you,you can stay as long as you like Lotus", Luciano says.

" It's fine Luciano I have to check on the kids anyway but I'll come by to bring then to see you and Enzo",I say and grab my stuff to leave. But before I can open the door he stops me and says " Lotus bring Antonio and Angelo too ",he says and I just nod my head and walk out.

I head to Enzo's room ",how are you feeling?",I ask him.

"Lotus I didn't expect you to be here ,but I'm feeling okay ",he says and not to make things awkard I take my leave. My dad sent the driver over to pick me and I'm shocked to see Giovanna who pokes her head out the window.

"Don't you have things to do?",I ask and she hands me some pastries in a bag. " What I came here to bring you breakfast and this is the thanks I get ?",she says,I just roll my eyes and continue eating.

"But why did you leave Luciano alone this is the time for the both of you to bond",she says I knew it this is why she came . " Giovanna he's in the care of his fiance now I had no business to stay there and hurt deep inside".

" You poor thing anyway,they aren't yet married so meaning you still have a chance to fight for the man you love, besides you have kids together",she says.

Yeah we had a beautiful family and I just threw it down the drain,my eyes begin to feel ashy. Maybe I have a chance, maybe I can get him to forgive,but again isn't it being selfish? What about Botox Barbie ?All's fair in love and war right? I should just fight for him.

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