Chapter twenty two

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I wake up to someone softy tapping me. "Hey mom",I greet her and she sadly smiles at me. I stretch and look at my baby still sleeping on the bed.

"Why don't you go home and change and also get some rest, I'll take care of Mari",she says,I can tell that she wants to say more.

"If you have something to say just day it mother",I tell her as I put on my shoes and walk over to give my baby a kiss.

"Are you seriously thinking of getting back with Nick after all he's done to you and Liam?",she asks.

" Yes , I'm thinking of it mother, I mean I've thought about it, I've known Nick for so long besides he was my first love,it's good for the kids and I,we'll be a family,I know he has another kid with another woman but he's divorcing her and I don't mind taking care of Keith,he is Mari and Liam's brother, but I don't know. I still love Luciano I can't bear to lose him, it's just so complicated and confusing ".

" What about Liam does he want this ?and Mari too she knows Luciano is her dad,do you want to traumatise her,and Luciano what about him ?,are you going to leave him after all he's done for you and the kids,he has done nothing but love you. And if you are going to go back to that man then I'm afraid you should forget about me and your father,you can go ahead and be with that man but you're not,I repeat you're not taking my grandchildren".

" Mom what are you saying,are you and Dad going to fight me for the custody of my own children". I look at her shockingly,is she serious right now.

"Yes we will", says my dad who just entered"it seems you don't know how to make decisions,are you crazy lotus that you're willing to go back to that punk Nick,all he wants is your money he knows you're now one of the richest women in the world and wants to steal from you, Lunchester Corporation is not doing well, don't be blind honey don't make the same mistake,but if you insist on going back to him then you can forget about us and the children will stay with us".

" Are you guys serious right now",I look at both of them. What's wrong with me giving the father of my child a chance. I said I was just thinking about it anyway."look I'll go home and take a shower and we'll talk about this later. And I walk out. I meet the doctor taking care of Mari in the corridor. He tells me the test results will be ready in the afternoon so I text Nick and tell him.

Yesterday was really bad and Luciano and I ended on a bad note but what's done is done,he needs to know that as a mom I'll do anything for my kids,if he loves he'll understand and let me and Nick have a baby that can donate to Mari and save her.

I walk to where I parked my Rose gold Rolls Royce and I find Enzo sitting on the hood.

"I'm very disappointed in you Lotus,I didn't expect you of all people to be stupid, you've hurt my cousin really bad, you've broken him, anyway life is a bitch and we all get fucked over , you've done the same thing Nick did to you,this is what he wants and you've fallen for it,have a good day belle signora", and he leaves me there.

I get in the car and hit my head on the steering wheel a few times before finally driving away. I reach the manor and walk in ,the house looks empty and I ask where everyone else is,he tells me Nick and Keith are having breakfast in the garden and everybody else left with Luciano yesterday to the penthouse.

I understand why Luciano would leave but Enzo and Katherine too,they shouldn't have took Liam he is my son.

Just as I'm about to call Luciano,Nick walks up to me.

"Hey Lotus I'm sorry for all the trouble yesterday, I'll try and talk to Luciano and clear things up,I really didn't want to cause you guys to fight and break off your engagement",he says and scratches his neck.

" It's okay Nick don't worry,and don't bother to talk to Luciano because he won't listen to you and will beat the living day lights out of you",I say and head upstairs to take a shower.

After taking a shower,I wonder on whether to call Luciano or not, I almost call him but change my mind. So I just go down stairs and have some food after that I call the new winery to see how things are going,I call Ricci winery to see if Luciano has been to the office but his assistant tells me he has cancelled for the whole week.

I try to call Liam but he's not picking any of my calls and has even blocked me on all his socials,my son is really upset.

It's in the afternoon,so Nick, Keith and I drive to the hospital,I find Luciano,Liam and my parents outside of Mari's room so I tell Nick to wait in the doctor's office and Keith to go and see his sister.

"What's going on guys,did something happen to Mari, Liam what's wrong I've been trying to contact you", I say and try to hug him but he pushes me away and holds Luciano's hand.

"Hello Miss Biltran I'm Karen Albert from child services,here is a judge's order giving the custody of Liam over to your parents and your parents have given guardianship to Mr Ricci",she hands me the document and I skim through it,I look at my parents.

"Mom , Dad what's this,you can't do this to me, Liam come over to mommy",I say and grab his hand .

" Let go of me mommy,I don't want to be with you",he says and runs back to Luciano.

" Miss Biltran I suggest you follow the law and comply with the judge's orders, your son testified and said he doesn't want to be with you and his abusive father that you want to get back with",the lady says.

" Are you doing this to get back at me Luciano?",I ask and look at him ,he looks like he hasn't slept at all.

"It's what Liam wants",he says and walks into Mari's room.

" You know what I don't have the energy for this, we'll talk later I need to see the Mari's doctor",I say and walk out.

I walk into the doctor's office and find Nick crying."what's wrong doctor why is he crying,is my child going to die?",I panic.

" Miss Biltran please have a sit Mari is not going to die ,I just received the test results and it turns out that the two of you are just partially compatible and so we can't do the transplant",he says.

" What about Keith doctor?",

"I'm getting there Miss Biltran,we seem to have misplaced the samples of Mr Lunchester and his son so we had to carry out a DNA test to know which one was which",he says but that doesn't answer why Nick is crying.

"Sooo....." I look at him to continue.

" Keith is not mine Lotus, Camille lied to me,his not my son",he holds me while sobing.

" Oh no , I knew she had been with many different men but oh my is this true doctor",I look at the doctor.

" I'm afraid it is Madam". He gets up and gives us some privacy

"What you knew she was seeing other men and didn't tell me,how could you Lotus?",he asks accusingly.

" Oh ,how could I?the same way you decided to go behind my back and sleep with her ,I felt sorry for you but now I think you deserve it,you deserve to know how it feels like to be disregarded and lied to",I say and walk out.

I meet the doctor outside and ask him"so what do we do now doctor?".

"She will have an umbilical cord blood transplant from a sibling",he says and turns to leave.i sit on the bench and cover my face. Nick comes and sits next to me.

"Wanna go get a drink",he asks, and I don't say no because of everything happening I need one. So we drive to a rooftop bar that Luciano and I like to frequent.

One drink after another and things went out of hand,a little hands and touching here and there,so I said crew it,we have to have a baby to save Mari anyway so I went along with it

To be continued

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