chapter eleven

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Today is the day, I'm going for work. I get up and stretch,I draw my blinds and let the sun sink in. Just then the door burts open and Liam comes running into my room with Marie close behind him.

By the looks of it he doesn't want to get dressed for school.

"Liam honey stop being naughty and get ready for school right now",I raise my voice a little so he knows that I mean business.

I get ready and apply a little bit of makeup, finishing my look with a nude lipstick.

We all have breakfast together and Enzo offers to drive Liam to school and I to work.

"Lotus I'm so sorry for yesterday I promise it will never happen again",I smile and tell him it's okay.

" Just tell Luciano I've apologized,he wanted to beat the shit out of me because of it",I laugh and we reach Liam's new school.

I speak with his teacher and they say I can pick him up later that day. I tell Enzo to make a detour to the doctor's office and looking at the time it's 8AM . I wonder if Luciano will be upset because I'm a little late ,who even shows up at work at 7:30 AM.

I meet my new doctor who's name ,is Edward. He is really handsome, blonde with blue eyes,he is also from L.A and just moved recently.

We exchanged numbers so we can meet later and have coffee or have something to eat. I look at the time and it's 9:30 AM.

We then reach the winery and I see Luciano waiting at the entrance and by the looks of it he's pissed but that's where the donuts I bought come in , though I eat three already from the box.

Enzo opens the door for me and I put on a nervous smile and get out the car. "Hey Luciano, how are you?,I brought donuts but eat three but that's besides the point,where do we start?".

He looks at me then at Enzo who just shrugs and says" I said you should be hear by 7:30 not 9:30 , what's wrong with you are you sure you want the job?".

" I went to the doctor's office, I'm sorry".

" The doctor that kept flirting with her ",Enzo says and I slap his shoulder. And the look Luciano gives me makes me shrink back. He sighs and motions for me to follow him inside. We go the elevator and Enzo remains in lobby to flirt with the receptionist who gave me a not so friendly look.

In the elevator I ask Luciano for another donut and he just sighs and gives me one. "I thought you said they were mine",he says while handing me the one with chocolate and pink sprinkles.

"Yes but I didn't say I couldn't have some".

The elevator stops and we head up to his office and he shows me another office connected to his,which will be mine because I'm his assistant. He goes ahead and introduces me to my other co-workers and I have a feeling that Giovanna the head of Human resources doesn't like me.

I'm tired and my legs are killing me so we head back to the office to get some work done.

During lunch Luciano walks in and offers to buy me some lunch,I look at him suspiciously and he rolls his eyes and takes a sit.

"I know I may have been a Jerk",I narrow my eyes to slits. He sighs and says" fine I was a jerk , let's just start over since we will be working together,we might as well get along to make work easier".

I pretend to think about it, and this irritates him" do you want food or not?,he asks.

" Of course I want food dah".

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