chapter twenty eight

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It's been six months since my trip to Paris I sit on the swing near our pool while dad rubs my feet, Edward is in the pool playing with Mari and Liam and Giovanna won't stop criticising every little thing he doesn't, she hates the way he laughs, the way he talks, the way he eats even his breathing is a nuisance to her.

"Are you even listening to me?",she asks.

I look at her confused and ask what she's talking about. She just rolls her eyes and sips on her cocktail.

"Don't worry you'll be fine we know forced labor may hurt but you'll do great",my Dad says.

" Says someone who's never popped a baby out of their genitals",I say and munch on my pizza.

" Hey I'm just trying to make you feel better and this is the thanks I get",he complains and starts painting my toenails.

"So the babies are on their way and their room is ready but we don't have any names,Lotus have you finally decided on the names and don't you dare say peanut and jelly",my mom says.

But before I can answer I feel a sharp pain that makes me hiss and drop the cup in my hand.

"Honey are you okay?",my Dad asks.

"I think one of the twins kicked too hard,and what's wrong with peanut and jelly",I ask my mom.

" What!",she pulls at her hair " everything is wrong with it are you crazy you're having a twin boys and you want to name them peanut and jelly".

" I think they are great what do you think Mari should we name your brothers peanut and jelly?",I ask Mari who's being carried over by Edward.

"That's silly mommy,I think Antonio and Angelo are better",she says and kisses my belly.

Just then more pain comes and I scream and fell my bottom get wet "Ahhh it hurts!".

Edward rushes to me"oh my Goodness I think you're going into labor",he says and I look at him confused because I'm seven months pregnant it can't be possible, because I'm carrying twins the doctor said I may deliver early like eight months but not seven.

"It can't be I'm seven months, will I loss my babies?".

" No you're not going to the ambulance is already here"he says and the paramedics carry me in ,my mom comes with me and the rest follow.

We reach the hospital where Edward now works and I'm rushed into the delivery room. I was supposed to get birth in the private hospital that Nick and Mari's doctor insisted I go to but we didn't have the time.

After hours of painful labor I finally deliver my twins the doctor put them both on my chest and I take one look at them and I pass out.

I wake up and find my mom,dad, Edward,my kids and Giovanna sitting in my room. I open my eyes and they all look at me.

"First of all this is creepy and where are my babiess,are they okay?",I ask and sit up.

My dad goes out to ca the doctor who comes in" Miss Biltran I'm glad you're awake and your babies are just okay, I'll just ask everyone to leave so I can examine you",he says and Edward insists on staying.

"What do you mean they are okay are you sure they are fine, because I was at the end of my seventh month",I ask he keeps quite and says" no miss Biltran you were at the end of your eighth month,no it's normal for twins to be born early but you gave birth at the end of your eighth and not seventh".

" But doctor,the my doctor after I my last visit told me I'm at the end of seven months,the twins should be born at seven months according to what she told me",I say this is strange.

" She lied lotus,I don't know why but she lied", Edward says.

" But Edward why would she lie , Mari's doctor recommended her to me", I say.

" Miss Biltran trust me, I've had specialists look at the children and indeed they were just born two weeks early to nine months",the doctor says" I'll have the nurses bring the children" he says and walks out.

" Edward why would she lie to me,I don't get it and has anyone informed Nick?",I ask.

" I don't know why but I'll pay her a visit and she can go to jail for what she did, I'll let the rest know and let them come in , I'll also call Nick to inform him",he says and leaves.

My parents, Giovanna and I tell them what the doctor said."so the children are not Nick's they are Luciano's!",she squirms and hugs me.

" Giovanna we are not sure maybe we just have a DNA test done on Nick and the kids",my Dad says.

" There is no need if we calculate properly the kids are Luciano's,oh my God I'm so happy",she says and does a happy dance.

" This is all suspicious why would the doctor lie she was recommended by Mari's doctor and what motive does he have to do so",my mom says and looks at me" unless someone paid them to do it,what really happened that night Lotus,did you and Nick really have sex that night?".

" I don't know we went out for a drink,we got drunk we woke up naked together and the rest is a blur", I say .

"I'm sure it was Nick he obviously paid them to lie it is only because he knew you were pregnant and I'm sure nothing even happened that night", Giovanna says.

" We have to have the DNA test done but we shouldn't alert Nick about it",my dad says. And just then the door opens revealing Nick.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay",he hugs me and I take the initiative to run my hand through his hair and tug out a strand.

"Oww",he frowns.

"My bad must be the cannular",I say and continue hugging him" why didn't anyone tell me about this,I should have been there to help you and support you while you deliver our babies and where are they,they must be weak being born way to early",he says and kisses my forehead.

But before I could answer Giovanna opens her big mouth and says"well they're was an error the children are actually born at eight months and not seven so they are perfectly fine and healthy, Lotus' doctor lied and how we've informed the police and an investigation has begun",she says and crosses her hands.

" What is she saying Lotus,but the children are mine right?",he asks.

" They may be or may be not but I personally hope they ain't", Giovanna interrupts me again.

" We'll take to my doctor and try to clear everything out",I say and he squeezes my hand and gives me a small smile.

The door opens revealing Edward holding Liam whle carrying Mari in his hands and two nurses carrying my babies wrapped in baby blue blankies.

They hand then to me and I lay back and breastfeed them,they have have tags of one and two on their writs.

"So what's twin number one's name?" Giovanna asks and screams at the same time.

"Twin number one is Antonio and the second is Angelo",I say.

" I came up with the names uncle Nick ",Mari says and throws herself into his arms. Nick smiles at her and puts her on his laps and kisses her cheeks."they are wonderful names princess",he says.

" And now mommy does this mean I'll be fine mommy",she looks at me and says.

" Yes sweetie"my, mom answers she looks at me and tells me that Mari will be having her surgery tomorrow but with a different specialist because we're suspicious of the first one.

When everyone leaves and only mom , Giovanna and I are left the nurses come in to take some samples from Antonio and Angelo and I hand them the strand I took from Nick.

The results will be ready in three days and I'll be staying here for a week.

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