chapter twenty

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We land and Luciano sent the driver to pick us up and I see he sent the limo so we could be comfortable,he is so considerate. I help carry a sleeping Keith he must be tired after the long 13 hour flight. Never in my life did I think one day I'd carry the child of the woman that stole my husband, anyway this is life.

We get in the car and head home, I wonder how Liam will act after seeing he's dad in such a long time. Enzo can read my worried expression and holds my hand.

"It will be okay Lotus, Liam is a big guy, don't worry",he says and I wish he's words can comfort me. Nick and I have agreed not to tell Mari the truth just yet, she's grown up to know Luciano as her dad and telling her that the man she calls father is not her dad in this critical time will be traumatising.

I miss my baby so much ,I can't wait to hold her. Just then my phone rings and it's Luciano. "Hey babe we're on our way home right now", Iuciano tells me my mom and dad are at the hospital and he's home with Liam waiting for our arrival. After cutting the call I realized that I didn't tell Luciano that Nick and his son will be staying with us. I hope Liam and Luciano react well to their presence.

Kieth wakes up and I hand him some grape juice he must be thirsty. I feel eyes on me and I look up to see Nick gazing at me lovingly. "You've always been good with kids, being motherly makes you look even more beautiful",he says and Enzo chokes on his juice. I can't help but blush, because he told me the same thing when I fed liam for the first time after we brought him home.

"Listen here dude, I don't know what you're trying to get at but stop it, she's engaged to my cousin", Enzo says.

" It's okay Enzo, a compliment never hurt anyone and thank Nick but I'd appreciate it if you don't compliment me to avoid weird situations", I say and clear my throat. The little guy on my lap tags at my shoulder indicating that he wants another juice box.

We reach the manor and find Liam and Luciano waiting at the entrance. We made a few renovations and the mansion now looks a little like a grand hotel and the Vines just add to it's fanciness. I can see Nick look at it in awe and I can't help but smirk.

Enzo gets out and helps me, because Keith won't get down. Liam runs to me but stops in his tracks as he sees the little boy I'm holding and Nickolas who's standing besides me.

I put Keith down and he stands in between Nick and I while holding our hands. I can see my son's deadly gaze as he looks at the three of us holding hands. He marches to us and ripes my Keith's hand from mine.

"Let go of my mother,you stole my dad I won't let you steal my mother,you have your own",he shouts at the little guy who looks like he's about to cry. "And you what are you doing here Nickolas?",he turns to Nick and I can see the hate in his eyes, I've never seen this look in my son and it frightens me.

"Liam enough that's no way to talk to your father and brother,they are just here to help,so behave yourself and be polite", I saw and lift Keith to comfort him.

"You're going to take their side mom, after what this man did to us,he left us,he hit you for the idiot you're carrying",he says.

" Enough!", I slap him across the face. He looks at me feeling betrayed and he runs off into the house. "What the hell lotus!", Luciano says and runs after Liam.

Enzo looks at me and says"you know he's right Lotus he doesn't deserve your kindness not after what he put you through and you slapping Liam proves you still have not moved on".

Nick who was watching all of this unfold with a twickle in his eyes finally spoke up" I'm sorry Lotus we'll leave and check into a hotel in town".

" Yes maybe you should Mr Lunchester",Enzo says. I glare at him and say" there's no need, you're already here , we're here for Mari's sake, it's all for Marianna", and I lead them inside leaving Enzo standing outside.

I tell the butler to lead them to their room so they can freshen up,have lunch and head to the hospital to have the tests done.

I go to Liam's room and it's locked"Liam please open up, I'm so sorry honey,can we talk?",no response.

" Give him some time", Luciano says and hugs me from behind. I sigh and push him away. He looks at me surprised and says"don't tell that seeing him after these few years has suddenly changed the way you feel about me, we're engaged Lotus,you can't do this to me",I can see his hurt.

What is wrong with me. " I'm sorry my love please forgive me I'm just exhausted, forgive me",I say and kiss him on the lips. Oh God I have such a wonderful man by my side why am I letting my ex husband's presence affect my relationship.

He leads me to the living room and I sit on his lap. "I'm scared Lotus",he says.

"About what?",I ask but I know what his about to say, I'm scared too, I'm scared that I'm too weak, I'm scared because I think the universe is giving us a second chance,oh damn you Nick for filling my head with such nosense.

"That this will bring you closer to your ex,I saw how great the three of you looked holding hands",he says and my heart breaks.

" I only want you,I only love you and I only want to look great with you,Liam and Mari,what Nick and I had was in the past it's over",I say and straddle him and kiss him.

Someone clears their throat gaining our attention and it's Liam. I get off Luciano and he runs into my arms and I just hold him for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry I hit you my love",I say and kiss his forehead."it's okay Mom I'm sorry I reacted that way,I know it's all for Mari and when she's better he'll leave and never disturb us",he says and I give him another kiss. Liam found out a year ago that his dad had another child and was married that's why he left. He never spoke for a month.

"Just don't show love to that little boy,he can keep Nick, I have a way cooler dad and I love him to the moon and back",he said Luciano finish the last part together. We all hug and feel another person join us.

"Don't mind me, I'm just joining in on all this family love",Enzo says which makes us laugh.

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