chapter twenty one

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It's the next day and we drive to the hospital so the tests can be done. We stop by to see Mari and seeing her connected to all the machines breaks my heart.

I saw her yesterday making up with Liam and Luciano had to drag me home so I can rest after traveling non stop. My Dad sees Nick and walks out of the room,I know he's trying had to not punch Nick in the face.

"Hey Mommy",she smiles at me and I hold my baby tight. "Can I give her a hug", Nick says and I let him.

" Hey pretty princess",he says and caresses her face like she's a rare gem. This makes her giggle and she says"my name's Marianna but you can call me Mari but don't call me principessa because only daddy can call me and mommy that",she tells him. And I can see hurt flash across his face. I clear my throat and tell Nick that we have to see the doctor.

Mari protests because she doesn't want me to leave but I coax her after she hears Liam and her dad are outside waiting to see her.

We enter the Doctor's office" doctor Martinez, this is Mari's father Nick and her half brother Keith they are here for the test", I say.

" Very well I'll just call the nurse so she can take your samples and get them tested",the doctor says.

" Doctor what happens when non of us are first choice matches?", Nickolas asks.

" Well Mr lunchester,cells from a parent, brother or sister may not always be a perfect match,in the case of Mari then she'll need umbilical cord blood transplant, you'll need to have a baby, in most cases we could us that of a mother willing to donate but the blood from a direct relative is the best",he says and a nurse comes to take Nickolas and Keith to get tested.

I can see Keith is scared so I carry him and accompany him while he gets the test done.

"Thank lotus,for taking care of my son,I appreciate it",Nick says while gazing at me lovingly and holds my hand "Keith doesn't really get to experience motherly love because Camille is always busy,so this means a lot to me and him".

I withdraw my hand and look away from him. Why is he doing this,why is he making it hard for both of us, he's supposed to be a jerk to me and not act like this.

The nurse tells us that the tests will be ready in three days. So we go and visit Mari. Seeing Mari , Keith and Nick intract warms my heart I can see Nick try to talk to Liam who ignores him. I give them some time alone and join Luciano outside.

I fill him in and tell him what the doctor said earlier."well,if we need to make a baby we might as well start",he says and kisses my neck,I push he away." You don't understand Luciano the doctor said it is best if the umbilical cord blood comes from a direct sibling".

" What the hell Lotus, are you that disparate to be intimate with your ex, you'd rather have his baby than mine, I can handle so much but not you carrying the child of the man that left you, are you fucking kidding me! ", He yells.

Just then the door opens and Nick gets out" what's wrong guys can you keep it down you're in the children's ward",he says.

" Stay the fuck out of this punk", Luciano snaps at him," Luciano Nick is right keep it down will you?,this is about Mari's health and if the doctor says she needs a direct sibling then Nick and I will give her one,you have to support me, you're also her dad", I try to reason with him.

" Lotus it doesn't necessarily have to be a direct sibling,we can have a baby and get the blood from it",he holds my hands and I snatch them from him.

"You're being selfish Luciano, don't you love Mari?".I ask him.

" I don't that's why if you have a baby with this guy then I'm sorry I can't be with you, I'll be there for Mari and I'll visit here everyday,but since you've made your decision and have chosen your ex I can't be with you anymore",he says and runs a hand through his hair.

"Fine as a mother I'll do what's best for my child even if I'll have to go to hell and back leave and take your ring with you, your selfish coward", I say and hand him the engagement ring.

He looks at the ring in his hands and sighs then walks away. "Daddy don't go", Liam runs to him"you're breaking up with my dad for him,how could you mom we were a family,I hate you both,this is all his fault I hate you Lotus, I'm leaving with my dad",he says and wraps his hands around Luciano.

They walk past us and say goodbye to Mari,who is sad that her dad and brother are leaving.

I call Katherine over to take Keith home so he can sleep. She acts like Nick doesn't exist and asks to speak to me in private.

"Lotus , Luciano packed up and left and he took Liam with him, what's going on Lotus are you giving up the man that loves you unconditionally for one that abandoned and cheated on you, I'm very disappointed in you Lotus and if all this is true then I'm living too", and she walks away.

I walk to the attached bathroom in Mari's room and I break down,what is going on,why is this happening everything was okay I was happy and going to get married and now Nick is back and Mari is sick. I hear a soft knock and Nick asks if I'm okay. I wash my face and walk out.

He hugs me and I inhale his familiar scent,"it's okay Lotus everything will be okay, everything happens for a reason, we're doing this for our child's well being".

Maybe his right, we're being given a second chance," what about Camille?".

"She and I have not been living together for a year now I have full custody of Keith,the divorce hearing will be in a few months",he says.

And I believe him , because this is Nick,my first love. But I can't help but think of Luciano. Why did I agree to break up so easily?, I love Luciano I do ,but maybe we were not meant to be,but his been wonderful to me and the kids,what am I doing? I push Nick away.

"This is wrong Nick I'm sorry I'm just so overwhelmed,I don't want to lead you on,I loved you but that's over the man I love is Luciano and we're just going through a rough patch but we'll fix it, I'm sorry you can go and rest and I'll spend the night with Mari",I say and wipe my tears.

" You loved me once , and you can do so again because I still love you Lotus and I want us to work things out",he says.

" Nick please, just leave okay, please enough I want to be alone and think things through,my family's happiness is on the line",I tell him. He sighs defeated and walks over to give Mari a kiss and leaves. And   I'm left alone with my thoughts. Arhggggg why now.

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