chapter twenty seven

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My mom keeps looking at me suspiciously the whole flight back to Italy but I just act like I haven't seen her ,so I don't give myself away.

We head home and find my dad who's made lunch for us.

"I'm glad you and Liam reconciled honey"he  says and hands me a plate of pasta. After eating I head up to my room and just pack a small bag . I know one day Luciano will forgive me but I just have to see him. Even if it's for far away, I've already spoken to a detective who's keeping tags on all his movements.

I get a text from Giovanna says she's packed everything and is excited. We will spend three days there, because it's quite rainy this time of the year.

I look over some paperwork that my assistant sent over and I have a lot of catching up to do. I work on them till night time and after having dinner with everyone I go to bed , I'm later joined by Marianna and we cuddle and fall asleep.

I tell one of the servants to sneak my bag into my car outside after having breakfast I make my parents think I'm heading to the office. I pick Giovanna up and we head to the hanger and board the private jet.

We arrive in Paris and it's raining,I feel like shit because of all the traveling I have done,plus being pregnant isn't working well for me. I call a massuse who's already waiting at the hotel we'll be staying in.

We checked into the hotel, Luciano is staying in and just in case we happen to meet I'm wearing a a blonde wig some glasses and blue contacts.

"I can't believe we're only staying for three days,come on Lotus we're in Paris the city of love",she says and does the French accent. We've already spoken about this I've been away from my daughter for too many days.

I just ignore her and my drive takes us to the hotel. After my massage therapist leaves,I call the detective and he sends me all the details and where I will find Luciano tomorrow. He's meeting up with someone at a famous coffee shop.

I'm tired so I go to sleep, while Giovanna goes out to the bar.

"What time did you get back last night?",I ask her as I brush my hair and get ready. She doesn't answer and just turns the other said,oh yes she's not a morning person.

I roll my eyes and answer the door,the waiter brings our breakfast and I get the coffee and put it near her bed"there's your coffee,now stop being a bitch".

At the sound of coffee she sticks her head out of the cover and gets up to have her coffee all the while giving me the stink eye.

I just let her be and have my breakfast, I'm so excited and nervous at the same time,to see Luciano.

After a nice cup of coffee and a hot shower she's being nice,"so are you ready or what?",she asks and chews on her toast.

" I guess, let's just get this over with",o say and we head out. Luciano is meeting the person at noon so Giovanna and I do some shopping, Balenciaga just lonched a Fall clothing line and I just couldn't help myself. After we're done with shopping we buy food and sit under a tree in the park near the coffee shop and just wait for him to appear. I've decided to speak to him once I see him,I hope it all goes well.

After an hour of waiting and it starts looking like it's about to rain,I see the one I flew here for ,"Luciano",I whisper. He sits down on a bench across the coffee shop,it seems his waiting for the person her in the park.

"Well go on", Giovanna helps me get up and straightens my clothes. I smile at her and head towards Luciano who has his back facing me.

My heart begins beating faster and I palms start being sweating,all I hear is silence but the beating of my heart I'm almost there.


A voice cuts through the silence and I see a blonde woman in sexy Chanel clothing,with a big bast. Luciano gets up and hugs her intimately. I stand still and watch as they walk to the coffee shop across the street. My phone rings and it's Giovanna,she must have seen what just transpired. I ignore her and cross the street,it starts pouring rain but I don't feel it.

Who was that woman ? What was Luciano doing with her?why did he hold her like that?I refuse to believe they are something more.

It continues raining and I continue walking until I reach the coffee shop and look through the window and just then I see them kiss. I'm drenched and the cold slowly sips through my bones but I just stand there and look at them. Their together,he moved on,he really moved on. It's all over it really is.

I just stay there and watch them for a few minutes. "Lotus get it , you'll catch a cold", Giovanna who is in the car says but I ignore her.

As if he felt eyes on him he looks at the window and we lock eyes just then Giovanna comes and takes me away he sees Giovanna and he recognizes us both. He tries to get up but the blond stops him and he sits back down, my heart breaks because somewhere deep within me I hoped he would come to me and tell me my eyes where playing tricks on me and that he forgives me and that she is nobody but just a friend but that doesn't happen and I turn and head to the car with Giovanna.

We get in the car and she wraps a coat on me.

"I don't know what to say.......... I'll call the pilot and try him to prepare the jet" she softly says and I just nod my head as tears stream down my face . The sky cried with me ,I just lost the man that I love and loves me just as much forever.

Giovanna calls the hotel and has someone pack our staff and send it the the airport,we drive there directly and go back home.

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