chapter twenty five

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It's been a month now and I've still not heard from Luciano, I'm going crazy. Enzo won't even let me talk to him ,when he comes to visit Mari he acts like I'm nothing but air.

I'm two months pregnant but I'm showing very much the doctor said it's because I'm having twins,yes we found out I was having twins. I must say I ruined my life,even if Luciano were to forgive me,I know we would never get back together,I mean I'm carrying another man's children.

I do miss Luciano,he handed over the management of the winery to his assistant and took a sick leave. I resumed working but after I knock off I can't help but go and pack outside his office hoping to see him , sometimes I drive by Enzo's night club thinking I'll see him there.

Just like today I'm outside his office waiting patiently,when my phone rings and it's Nick, arhggggg.

"Yes hello?,what do you want",I ask impatiently. A few weeks ago I made it clear to Nick that there would be nothing between us and we can just remain friends.

"Hey I just wanted to ask if you would like to have dinner with me but I seem to have called at a wrong time",he says and now I fell bad for the way I spoke to him.

"I'm sorry Nick , I'm just a little bit tired but dinner will be great",I say ,I mean I am hungry.

" Okay meet me at the place we had lunch last time",he says and hangs up.

I sigh and a tap on my window scares me,I look and see Giovanna,she and I have become really close over the past few months. I unlock the door and she gets in.

"Hey ,what are you doing here ,I thought we spoke about this Lotus, don't stress yourself if Luciano drops by I'll let you know",she says and gives me a side hug.

" What can I do Giovanna I can't help it, wanna have dinner with me, I'm going to see Nick but I'm not in the mood to make small talk",I say as I pull out of the parking lot.

"Of course who would turn down free food",she says and we laugh. She animatedly fills me in on all the gossip in her office.

We reach the restaurant and Nick just ordered a table of two but since I'm well known and Luciano and I frequented this restaurant,we easily change tables, and the manager personal attends to us ,he wouldn't want to offend the woman of the richest man in Italy. Think of Luciano my heart painfully squeezes .

Nick and Giovanna don't like each other,I can see Giovanna is holding back on making a sarcastic remark and Nick is struggling to keep a smile on.

They waitresses bring the dishes and the manager serves us"come Mr Dismitrua,you don't have to personally attend to us",I say.

He smiles and shakes his head" Oh please Miss Biltran,I don't want Mr Ricci to be disappointed in me and it is my pleasure to be of service to such beautiful women tonight".

I force a smile and excuse myself, Giovanna offers to go with me. On our way there she squeezes my hand and I give her a small smile.

I now pee like five times a day,she waits for me outside.

After washing my hands I hear arguing outside and it seems Giovanna is arguing with someone. So I quickly dry my hands and head out.

"What is wrong with you can't you see where you're going?", Giovanna yells.

" I already said I'm sorry, what's wrong with you lady",I hear an all familiar voice. Wait it can't be,I open the door and see Giovanna talking to a man.

"Hey what's wrong?",and they both turn to me.

" Lotus?",the man says.

"Oh my gosh Edward",I say and he smiles at me and pulls me into his arms.

"Long time no see,how have you been?",he release me and looks down at me.

" Please tell me you've been eating too much and haven't been paying attention to what you eat therefore you've gained some tummy fat,or need Luciano do a great job",he says and I giggle.

" Wait a damn minute,you know this jerk", Giovanna says and places her hands on her waist.

"Yes I know him and he's not a jerk, he's really sweet",I turn and say to her.

" When did you get back,we should really hang out,how about you drip by this weekend?",I say to Edward.

We exchange numbers and say goodbye.

Giovanna and I head back to our table and continue on with eating. Nick is being so considerate he even cut my steak. I can see the look of mockery that Giovanna gives him and I silenty roll my eyes at her.

After lunch,Nick drives off and I drive Giovanna home.

"Nick is so pitiful,I mean why won't he just give up,so annoying",she says and rolls her eyes. I laugh." Come on can you blame the guy?",I say.

After dropping her off I drive back home,I get in and head to Mari's room, Luciano sent over people to renovate one of the rooms here and bought everything she needs and hired a nurse to take care of her , she goes three time a week for chemo.

I see her sleeping and give her a kiss,my baby lost all her hair,I feel really bad so I take off my shoes and get into bed with her and fall asleep.

I feel something crawling on my face ,I turn my head and I hear a giggle,oh Marianna,I open my eyes and find Oney eyes looking at me,I smile and cage her in my arms.

"No let go ",she giggles"why did you sleep here did you have a nightmare",she asks.

" No I just missed my princess",I say and kiss her forehead.

" Daddy came last night",she says as she sits on my laps"  he said he misses me and Liam, mommy why doesn't Liam stay with us anymore?",she continues.

" Your Dad was here, Luciano?",I ask and search her face to see if she's lying.

"Yes he did,he left me a kitten and said he'll come again",she says and I embrace her , he's back he's really back .

I'm so excited that I carry Mari and we head down stairs and I find my mom and Katherine having breakfast"mom he came ",I say and embrace her.

She sighs and says"he always comes sweetie...but..?",she pauses and takes a deep breath and guides me to a chair."he didn't come for you ,he never comes for you ,honey ,why don't you just forget about him you're carring another man's children for crying out loud,let him be,the wounds of the heart are hard to heal".

I look at her and tears roll down my face, she's right you know but it's so hard to accept it,I did this ,I can't force him to be with me because each time he sees me pregnant he'll know I cheated."I don't want to...",I whisper.

"It's okay,how about a trip to London, it's highly time you reconciled with your son",she says and hands me some cookies." Maybe we can stay there after seeing Liam or we can go to Bora Bora and just sunbathe so you can get some things off your mind and we can see a shrink after we get back".

I slowly nod my head and continue chewing on my cookies but Katherine takes them away and hands me something more healthy as she puts it,ah I hate it here,my food is always monitored.

So that evening we pack up and fly to London,Liam is at a very expensive school but because we're rich we can visit anytime. My son hates me,I wonder how he'll react after seeing me,when I'm the on to blame for everything.

We check into the presidential suite and order some ice cream while we're there."Mom do you think my son we'll ever forgive me?",I ask as she brushes my hair.

" Of course he has a big heart, you're he's mother after all",I hope she's right, that night I don't sleep because I'm wondering how he'll react.

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